Chapter Four

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I just gonna go ahead and get than out the way, ok? Ok.
And, look at that Jazzys POV again.
I woke up not remembering anything after the countdown, which is weird since I only had wine.

I lay in silence until I hear a noise behind me. That's when I realized the hands wrapped around my waist.

I turn over and see Anthony laying next to me with no shirt on.

Oh fuck no.

I look down, and see no shirt, just a bra.

Oh fuck no.

I feel my legs, I'm wearing shorts.


Before I could do anything else, Anthony opens his eyes.

"Good morning beautiful." He smiled.


"Anthony, do you know what happened?" I asked, not wanting to imply anything.

He smirked. "Trust me, I'll never forget."

I took his hands off my waist and sat up.

"And what exactly happened?" I asked, realizing how dumb of a question that was.

Anthony sat up and lifted an eyebrow. "Now don't tell me you forgot, if you did then I'm DEEPLY offended. Especially considering how deep I went in you."

I smacked his arm.

Fuck boy.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!?"

"What? You didn't mind it last night..." He trailed his finger down my collarbone.

"Let's just get dressed." I said as I pulled his finger off me.

"Alright mami." He said getting out of bed.

I rolled my eyes and proceed to dress myself.

"Anthony! You better not be watching!" I yelled at him.

"Too late." I could hear the smile in his voice.

I rolled my eyes again.

I put on a tank top-since I'd get hot in anything else-jeans, and a North Face jacket.

Anthony just put on a hat he wore yesterday.

I brushed my teeth, washed my face, and put my makeup on.

We were about to leave when Anthony said; "I hope you covered those hickeys."

I hit his arm.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME BEFORE!" I ran into my bathroom.

He just laughed.

How the HELL did I let this happen?

Now no one said this'd be long, I'll update later, bye

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