The Move

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I get out of bed, exhausted.

Sleep was something I did not get at all last night.

I put my furry slippers on, yawn, stretch and then make my way downstairs.

Mum was in the kitchen making breakfast, while Yasmin sat on the sofa doing absolutely nothing, as usual.

Today was the day we were moving to Sydney. And I have no idea how to describe the nerves I am feeling. I have never even visited Sydney before. You could say I was going in blind, as I had no idea what to expect. Would I love it or hate it? Mum said I have nothing to worry about, that Sydney was a beautiful place full of lovely people.

"Good morning Mum, Yasmin" I place a kiss on my mums forehead as Yasmin moans a soft 'morning'.

"Get any sleep last night love?" Mum was busy by the stove, cooking up a storm. This would be our last breakfast in the house that I grew up in.

"Not at all" I state with a sigh as I make myself a cup of coffee.

"Why?" She questions as she flips a piece of bacon over.

"Kira's just too chicken to move because she is to scared to leave the one friend she has behind because she knows she won't make any new ones in Sydney" Yasmin yelled from the living room.

"Yasmin" my mom yelled back.

"Sorry..." she says with no meaning at all. "Its true though" she mumbled to herself, but we still heard her,

"Its okay mom. I'm used to Yasmin's smack"

"Finally" Yasmin moans. "10k followers"

"Arg" I groan.

"Don't be jealous Kira. Just because I get thousands of followers on Instagram and all you've got is about 20 and only one of those is your actual friend, the rest are all those stupid fan accounts for those bands you listen to"

"They are not stupid!" I snap back.

"Sure, whatever" she says sarcastically.

"Just ignore her honey" mom says. "Why don't you go upstairs and get dressed. Breakfast should be finished by the time you are done. Yasmin you can go as well" she adds.

I head to the stairs and feel Yasmin push me to the side.

"Oldest first" she nags as she rushes up.

"More like bitches first" I mumble under my breath, but mum heard me.

"Kira!" Mum yells, "language" she adds.

"Sorry!" I yell and head upstairs.

'Mmmm what to wear' , I think to myself as I stare at a half empty cupboard.

"Perfect" i whisper pulling out black skinny's and a Led-Zeppelin shirt.

I throw it on, put on my black combat boots and tie my hair into a simple pony tail.

I head back downstairs and sit down at the kitchen counter, taking a sip of my coffee as mom plops down a plate of bacon and eggs in front of me.

"Thanks mum" I say, giving her a sweet toothy smile.

After breakfast I packed my remaining things and put them into the moving van.

Dad was already there. He was the reason we were moving. He got a huge promotion, but the job was in Sydney. He will now be the manager at the Apple Store over there.

I have everything packed, and so does mom. But of course we are still waiting for Yasmin. She comes rushing out of the house with her last bit of things and puts them in the back of the van before closing it again.

"Ready" she says as she hops into the van, sweat trickling from her forehead.

"Say goodbye kids, this will be your last time looking at this house" mom says.

I stare at the house, I could feel tears forming in my eyes. I had spent a whole 16 years in that house. I had so many memories of Kira and I whether we were fighting, playing or teasing dad about being abnormally tall. This was the only place I had ever called home, and the fact that I now had to refer to somewhere else as home was a reality that had not hit me yet. I felt as if I was just going on a very long holiday, and that I would one day return. But that was not going to happen.

Every tear. Every laugh. It was all locked in there. I hope to make new, and even better memories in the new house.

Sydney, I'm coming.

Banned *LUKE HEMMINGS* !EDITING IN PROGRESS!Where stories live. Discover now