Chapter 18 - " Luckily mom and dad are out on date night"

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I can hardly keep my eyes open, today has been hectic and I'm about to fall asleep when my door flings open and Yasmin storms in.

"You never listen do you Kira!! I told you to stay away from that boy" She yells.

I moan and get up.

"And you don't listen either. I told you that I don't care what you think. I think he's a nice guy!!"

"You think. Or you know!" she yells

I stare down at the ground because I do think he was a nice guy. I don't actually know.

"Exactly. You've known him for what? like a week"

"Well he hasn't done anything to make me not like him and I haven't heard anything about him besides from you" I state.

"Why do you think he has no friends besides his stupid band members. Who in fact no one has ever seen so the bands probably a lie"

"Wait. No one's seen them?" I question.

"Yeah. He won't let anyone watch them or meet them" she states.

"Well I have. And there really good. And nice people Yasmin!"

"Wait you've seen them and watched them preform. What did you look through there window like a creepy stalker?" She giggles.

"No. He invited me over. I didn't know what he wanted to show me but it was them. And there actually really good" I state.

"It doesn't matter how good they are. Luke is bad!" She yells the last sentence.

"In your eyes, yes!"

"In everyone's eyes!"

"What has he done that people think he's so bad?" I question.

"Well you might wanna sit down for this" I take a seat on my bed as Yas struts up and down the room. "He has detention like all the time. He smokes and drinks. He's been arrested for vandalism. He's fucked almost every girl in the school and left them the next day. He was dating his girl Sam for about 2 years and one day he just dumped her and his excuse was "I felt like it" broke her heart into pieces" she says doing Lukes quotation in a manly accent. "Most of the girls his gone out with or had sex with are doing drugs and other shit. Ones in rehab. Kira I just don't want you to turn out like those other girls"

"I won't! And I doubt those girls are doing those things because of Luke. Now please Yas I've heard enough. Im tired I just wanna sleep" I yawn.

"Fine. But you've been warned. And don't come crying to me when everything goes down" she states as she shuts my door behind her. "Well I tried" I hear her say.

Luckily mom and dad are out on date night. Wouldn't want them to hear about the person that I'm hanging out with. Not that I believe half that shit Kira told me.

Banned *LUKE HEMMINGS* !EDITING IN PROGRESS!Where stories live. Discover now