Chapter 10

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    The following morning I go see Scott in the hospital. The lady said he was doing just fine. Putting down the phone I go to my bedroom. When I saw Edgar in there I tried to leave.

    Edgar was faster than me and was closing the door. His eyes say many evil things. My head began to hurt with the voices talking. The movement of Edgar's hands was fast. They were around my wrist pulling me closer.

    I could feel his breath on my neck. If I panicked that would bring more danger to me. He yanked me toward the bed, making us sit down. Would now be the time for him to get angry.

    The grip on my wrist got tighter. Then he released it and stood up. His cold blue eyes showed a blazing fire.

    "You should have to came to me," he whispered. "My brother wouldn't have gotten hurt."

    "Why go after him at all he's your brother," I yelled. "Scott's your own flesh and blood."

    "He's a traitor to his kind!" The hurt was back in Edgar's eyes. Maybe deep down he had a little goodness in him. I could sense the hurt he was in.

    Sitting back down he took my hand in his. My voices were telling me to attack. Instead I stayed there waiting for his next move. Edgar's mouth moved closer to mine. I pulled back and moved away.

    He growled at me. His hand came up to strike me, but he halted. Dropping it to his side quietly. When Edgar moved he whispered, "the game is not over." Then he walked out of the house.

    Getting over my shock I change. Driving to the hospital I wanted to speed to see Scott quicker. The lady at the desk pointed me to his room.

    This time when I walked in he was awake. Seeing me he tried to get out of bed, but couldn't. I take his hand in mine bringing it to my chest.

    He was alive and that's all that matters. "It was Edgar," he croaked.

    "I know he paid me a little visit. It was before I came here."

    "What," Scott exclaimed. He began to panic over nothing. I turned so he could I wasn't hurt.

    "I'm not hurt. He just wanted to discuss about you."

    "Well at least he didn't hurt you. I can't stay here any longer."


    "I need to be home so I can protect you." Now that argument lasted a while. His wound was still hurting him badly. I think he should stay till the doctor clears him.

    He still doesn't know the whole story. Deciding to wait till he was clear from the hospital. He would be mad at what I tell him. Edgar has hurt us both long enough.

    When Halloween comes my plan will be set in motion. Edgar doesn't know what's coming to him. For the next hour or so Scott and I discussed the future. What we would do when Edgar's gone.

    Scott wanted to talk about marriage. I on the other hand wanted to wait till later. The doctor walks in during our conversation pulling me aside to discuss Scott's condition.

    "He's healing very nicely, but I want to keep him till tomorrow. Just so we can be sure that his wound is fine."

    "I agree. Scott needs another day to rest."

    "Then we have a understanding." Nodding my head I go back in Scott's room. Looking anxious to what I had to say.

    When I told him the doctor said one more day he got upset. Kept yelling about how was he going to protect me. After ranting for a little longer he got control of himself.

Blue moonTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon