Revealing the huge secret

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Maria POV...
*Maria is currently venting in her journal she's had since her junior year in Highschool*.

I have always struggled with learning how to accept what is between my legs. I came to a realization that god made me the way I am for a reason. And I love every single thing about me including my "secret".

I mean it's kinda obvious but not too much. Some people hate it and some people love it especially the females. I just hope it doesn't scare nena away.

*Maria closes her journal and puts it away in a safe place. She then proceeds into the living room*

Nena-Hey love, are you okay? I can tell sometimes bothering you, your facial expression it all.

Maria-Look nena I have something to tell you. I don't want you to be afraid or uncomfortable. Sooo, um-mm Ihaveadick!.

Nena-Wait what, slow down I didn't hear the last part.

Maria-I said I have a dick. I'm not lying I can show if you wanna see it.

Nena-No thanks I believe you and Maria it's okay I'm nobody to be judging you. At the end of the day, if you feel comfortable in your own body then your la Polla shouldn't bother anybody else. You live life only for yourself and nobody else.

Maria-Thanks I really needed to hear that. But damn *she says while looking at nena bending over*

Nena-Hey what movie do you wanna watch?

Maria-Umm mmm idk you decided babygirl.

Nena bends over some more and all of a sudden *Smack*

Nena-Oww your not suppose to smack the booty, it's suppose to be caressed like this see.

Nena moves Maria hands onto her booty slowly, and starts to rub circles then gently squeezes it.

Nena-May I take over?.

Maria-Maybe, maybe not. * she says while laughing*

Nena- bae stop it's not even funny. I heard the twins come over earlier, so what happened?.

Maria-Um, so their not moving out of Isabella's house. They decided to put a tracker inside of her phone and on her car somewhere too. Lina's still pissed tho. Idk why she holds her emotions in so much. I told her it isn't gonna get her anywhere.

Nena-Honestly, I think Isabella did something to her at one point. Long time ago like 4 months, Lina came over here crying. And she had marks on her body, not sexual marks but marks like someone has been beating her up. Isabella knows better but sometimes her anger gets the best of her.

Maria-Damn Isabella needs help ASAP before she serious hurts one of the girls again. I feel bad tho.

Nena-I know me too. I have always tried to get Isabella help but she just thinks sex is gonna makeup for everything she does to them.

Maria-Sex is okay but too much of it can be overwhelming. And makeup sex isn't gonna make up for the time she's cheated on the twins.

Nena-True but she does need to do something. Isabella hasn't been coming to work since we work at the same place, normally I would see her.

Maria-I wouldn't be missing work because of that, idk maybe we need to tell the twins to go talk to her and motivate to maybe move on. You see the way the twins look when you say her name, you see fear inside of their eyes. Their scared of that girl. I don't know what type of kinky shit Isabella's into but it's not the right move right now.

Nena-True, I knew she had kinks but I never took it serious. Kinks are for different types of pleasure. Isabella is way more dominate than the twins. What if something goes wrong when they go talk to her one more time?.

Maria-Idk this shits just crazy and too deep. Making my head hurt, you want some food cause I'm about to chef it up in the kitchen. What do you want?

Nena-Mmm idk, I think I want me some Chicken empanadas with creamy avocado sauce.

Maria-Say less but I gotta go to the store alright. I'll be back.

Nena then scrolls through her recent call logs and clicks on Isabella name.

Nena-Aye is you good? -sent 7:00 pm

Isabella- Nah I really fucked up big time. I really need to speak to them. My ex kissed me, my lips never touched her back. -sent 7:05 pm

Nena-Aww you miss them. Let me ask you about your kinks? Cause you got Lina & Valentina scared of your ass because of what?. -sent 7:07 pm

Isabella- Look when I first got with them I've always want a polygamy relationship with 2 other females. And when they were about to move in with me, I told them to sign this contact about "BDSM", which means they would fully become my subs. And I would play the main role of being daddy aka the dominate one. I love being in control but I can't find my anger pills and lately I've been lashing out on people. So that's why I haven't been at work, I have been going to therapy to get better anger control. -sent 7:15 pm

Nena-But Isabella why wait so long? If you would've told me I would've gotten you help sooner. I'm assuming from what you said, basically your anger been getting the best of you and your relationship with the twins. Look I'm gonna text the twins and tell them to meet you at your place, and don't pull any funny shit Isabella I mean it. If you fuck this up again, your on your own.
-sent 7:18 pm

Isabella-Ohh my gosh what would I do without. Thanks and I love alot bestfriend. - sent 7:19

Nena makes a group chat with the twins, Maria is now back at the house from grocery store.

Nena-So babe I set the twins up to go talk to Isabella one last time before they make their final decision.

Nena-Hey y'all wassup, I was thinking that y'all can go please meet Isabella at her place. She really wants to talk to you both, she's been missing hella work and she's trying to work on her anger issues. 
-sent 7:21 pm

Lina is typing....   Valentina is typing....

Lina-I mean I guess we can but her anger really wasn't the problem tho.

Valentina-Yeah it wasn't her anger. She has controlling issues, most times it would get out of hand. One time she took my eyes away from me until I ate pussy and made her cum 6 times. I can't do that, its exhausting.


Nena-Woahhh that's crazy. So are y'all gonna go meet her so she can stop blowing my phone up?.

Lina-Yeah tell her we're otw and thank nena.

Nena-Be safe my babies and your welcome.

Will the twins be safe around Isabella to even talk to her or will her anger get the best of her?

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