❝so what's wattpad anyways?❞

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Hotline Girl | Pizza Boy


"Hi! This is Wattpad Helpline, how may I-"

"So what's Wattpad anyways?"

"Oh my god, pizza boy, is that you?"

"You bet it's me. I've actually been calling for a week now, but I never seem to get a hold of you."

"See, this is the sort of thing that makes you sound like a stalker."

"I swear I'm not, really. I'm just curious."

"About what?"

"A lot of things, actually. What happens after death? Can we ever time travel? Is colonization on Mars ever going to occur in my lifetime? The usual."

"You really think you're hilarious, don't you?"

"I know I am. Confidence, helpline girl, is key."

"There's a thin line between confidence and arrogance, and you're veryyyy close to crossing it."

"Ouch. My heart. Words hurt. But anyways - what is Wattpad?"

"A thing called Google exists, y'know. Ever heard of it?"

"Aren't you supposed to be accommodating to your customers?"

"Aren't you supposed to not be annoying people trying to do their jobs? Also - you're not my customer. You don't have an account."

"What if I got one?"

"Ugh, you're terrible."

"Admit it, you at least find me amusing."

"I find you amusing in an annoying way."

"I think that contradicts itself."

"No, it really doesn't. Can you go now? I have actual Wattpad enquiries to attend to."

"Aw, c'mon, helpline girl. At least do your sales pitch to me. I'm curious about this website. If it's anything like Club Penguin, I'm down."

"Unfortunately not, pizza boy. Simply put, it's a reading and writing community. You create an account and voila - you can read and upload your own stories."

"Nice. Do you have an account?"

"Yeah, but - trust me - you don't want to know what it is."

"Now you've really peaked my interest."

"Well, have fun finding it in the midst of 65 million other accounts, pizza boy."

"You underestimate me, helpline girl."

A/N: I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Please remember to vote and comment, I love the support!

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