why they dont go on road trips

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There are many reasons why they don't go on road trips but the main one is called "the technology incident". BEN got bored so he decided to prank Jeff and started Glitching out his phone. Which was already annoying him ever so greatly. So he just put his phone away. Unsatisfied with this reaction he decided to try it on other person. He did it on Jane. Jane knew who it was so she threw her knife at him but missed hitting E.J. Who threw the knife back at her but it missed again hitting Toby. So now Toby is trying to kill E.J. ,who is trying to kill Jane, who is trying to kill BEN. L.J. takes advantage of this situation and starts eating BAGS full of sugar and starts drinking coffee. So now he is bouncing off the walls and this is really irritated Jeff. Then L.J. accidentally wakes up Hoodie. All the other's look at their irritated and tired friends with fear in their eyes.Jeff and Hoodie look at each other for a second and say 7 small words:
we are going to kill you all. So now they are trying to get out of the car to get away from Jeff and Hoodie who are actually trying to kill them. Sally is now asking to use the bathroom. Maskey is complaining above wanting a cigarette. And you can just skip to slenderman banging his head on the car wheel, asking himself why he thought this was a good idea and crying his non-existent eyes out.

I got the idea from

kjm126316 from one of her books so I decided to make something similar.

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