incorrect quotes(mainly Wolfgirl, Calypso and Dr.smiley,sorry)

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Calypso: I've done a lot of dumb stuff.
Jill: I witnessed the dumb stuff.
Wolfgirl: I recorded the dumb stuff.
Dr. Smiley: I joined you in the dumb stuff
Anyone: *says something shitty about Calypso*
Wolfgirl:*appearing out of the shadows like a dark visage from a horror movie*So I hear that you ordered the a large McDeath?
Calypso:it's time for my BIG number! Wolfgirl hit it!
Wolfgirl:ok, *punches Wolfie in the face*
Wolfgirl and Calypso:*lieing to Dr. Smiley about something*
Calypso:*looks at Wolfgirl " Wink
Dr. Smiley:did he just say "wink"?
Jeff:*at 3 am after doing something stupid* FUCK KARMA!!
Person on TV:you should never live spitefully-
Jeff:well if I wasn't spiteful I wouldnt be here so...
Dr. Smiley/Slenderman: Oh, so suddenly you don’t have a death wish?
Wolfgirl/Calypso: Dr. Smiley, I’ve never had a death wish. It’s just that I don’t believe that I, personally, can ever die
Calypso: Why is there blood everywhere?!?!?!?!?!?
Wolfgirl: I may have aggressively poked someone with a knife
Calypso: YOU STABBED SOMEONE?!?!?!?!?!??
Wolfgirl: No no NO, I aggressively poked them with a knife
BEN: You wanna see how hardcore I am?
BEN: *punches a wall*
BEN:Take me to hospital.
Dr. Smiley: I have CDO.
Calypso: What's that?
Dr. Smiley: It's like OCD but the letters are in alphabetic order AS THEY SHOULD BE!
Slenderman: If you took a shot every time you made a bad decision, how drunk would you be?
L.J.: Maybe a bit tipsy?
Dr. Smiley: Drunk.
Calypso: Wasted.
Wolfgirl: Dead.
Kidnapper: We have your brother.
Lui: You have Jeff?
Kidnapper: Yes.
Lui: Good luck with that.
Wolfgirl: My girlfriend told me to grow up.
Calypso: What did you tell her?
Wolfgirl: I was speechless, I had 47 gummy-bears in my mouth
Slenderman:*working on a crossword puzzle* What's another word for murder?
E.J.: Manslaughter
Wolfgirl: A hobby
Wolfgirl/Calypso: I didn’t choose the thug life, I accidentally got involved and was too lazy to leave it
Wolfgirl: Just tried watermelon on pizza. Honestly? It was pretty good.
Calypso: That’s her, Sir. That’s the guy right there. Take the shot before she gets away.
Dr. Smiley: You chloroformed the janitor?!
Calypso: We're in trouble. We have to do something.
Wolfgirl: I don't know what to do. My whole brain is crying.
Calypso: Guys, guys, guys. Hey, hey. I have an idea, Okay, it may sound a little weird, but trust me.
*an hour later when they're all waking up*
Janitor: What's happening...?
Dr. Smiley: Oh, we ALL got chloroformed.
Dr. Smiley have you seen Calypso? He hasn't answered his phone and I'm starting to get worried
Wolfgirl:im usually in contact with him in other ways
Dr. Smiley:really? How?
Wolfgirl:*inhales* HONEY WHAT CHU WAITING FOR?
Calypso:*bursting in the room* WELCOME TO MY CANDY STORE~!
Wolf girl:how'd you find me?
Calypso:well I saw this huge explosion and wondered 'now who could that be'
Wolfgirl:hey is it OK if I ask you a girl question?
Calypso:no but go on
Wolfgirl:well there's this one girl
Dr Smiley:you can do better
Calypso:i'm not mad, just disappointed
Dr. Smiley:well I'm mad AND disappointed
Calypso:what's a 6 letter word meaning disappointment
Wolfgirl's drinking coffee:W-O-L-F-I-E

If any if these are yours and you want me to take them down please just message me as I got most of them from Tumblr and my friends

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