why they dont go to museums

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Do one day slender man decided to be educational because the amount of brain cells these people have is concerning. So while the group was moving forward during the tour, Wolfgirl, being the dumbass she is, decided to touch one of the artifacts and straight up fell into the ground like in those cheesey mystery movies, Calypso somehow fell down there as well as he saw her fall and did the only logical thing a dumbass could do. He jumped into the hole with her. So while everyone is having a calm, peaceful and educational day, Wolfgirl and Calypso and fighting for what's left of their lives, and for of course their curiosity, while having no clue where the fuck they are and wondering 'why the fuck didn't I just teleport outta there' in the later future. Slender man was the only other person they told and they still to this day have no clue what was down there but Slenderdick won't let them find out.

This was a lot funnier un my head.... Sorry

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