times the police caught them

285 3 1

Maskey: 2 times cause he can just take off his mask and stuff but they caught him in the middle of the crime

Hoodie:Same as Maskey

Laughing Jack: 10 times became when you see a black and white clown enter a house, leave a house or even just walking the street you get suspicious

Eyeless jack:7 times. He eats kidneys for crying out loud. Not a single sane person is gonna see that and think: oh that's normal unless they are being sarcastic!!

Jane: 5 times she may be good at killing but she isnt good at running and hiding.

Jeff: 0 this asshole doesn't get caught.

Slenderman: 0 he doesn't leave the forest

Lulu: 1 time. She looks so innocent that you don't think she did anything wrong unless you see her killing someone

Sally:0 she doesn't go killing often

Ben: 1 but when the police officer bot a text message he uses at as an escape

Clockwork: 5 times. She basically has a watch for an eye. Tell me if you see that you aren't gonna be suspicious

Ticcy Toby: 3 times. His constant twitching and ticcing gives him away along with his burned off cheek.

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