incorrect Creepypasta quotes 2

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BEN: I drink to forget but I always remember

Slenderman: you're drinking a Capri sun


Jeff: why do I keep you around?

E.J.: because the alternative would be developing a conscience of your own


Slenderman: how do Wolfgirl and Calypso usually get out of these messes?

Jeff: they don't. They just make a bigger mess that cancels the first out.


Eclipsa: that's ridiculous, L.J. doesn't have a crush on me

Calypso: yes he does

Wolfgirl: yes he does

Basically everyone: yes he does

L.J. yes I do


Slenderman: did you have fun

Splendorman sad: we made a baby cry

Calypso: it was great


Some cop on TV: remember murder is never the answer.

Wolfgirl: of course, murder is the question

Calypso: the answer is yes


Wolfie banging on the door: Wolfgirl open up!!

Wolfgirl: well, it all started when I was a kid...

Jeff: no, he meant-

Calypso:let her finish


Zalgo: you are under my control!! Bring me Calypso

Wolfgirl: let me check with Dr. Smiley

Zalgo: your under my control, it's not a choic-

Wolfgirl:he said no


Sally: tall people are the enemy

Slenderman:can't even see you hating down there

Sally: I will tie your fucking shoelaces together and you won't even know till it's too late!


Slenderman: so, you two got kicked out of the movies? What for?

Jill: Wolfgirl was yelling diving scores during Titanic as people jumped off the boat

Wolfgirl: that last guy had a solid 8 let me tell you,



Wolfgirl but she doesn't know she's wolfgirl: WHO the HELL is wolfgirl?

Calypso: this is so sad, Alexa play somebody that I used to know


Slenderman: you two hacked into a prison system network?!


Wolfgirl:is that judgment I'm hearing?

Slenderman:... Pride


BEN: Jeff would throw himself in front of a moving truck for you, E.J.

E.J. : Jeff would throw himself in front of a moving truck for fun.


Jill: what are you doing?

Wolfgirl: *standing on a chair* I live in this house, you know, I can stand wherever I wish. I don't see why-

Jill: where's the spider?

Wolfgirl: it's under the table, please get it for me, please


Slenderman: a creepypasta dose not place their weapons on the table

Calypso: *in a Scottish accent*


Wolfgirl: I'm 50% murder, 80% charm and 70% a natural mastermind

Wolfie: that's 200%

Wolfgirl: I'm twice the woman you'll ever be.


Wolfgirl, walking outside:

Rain: time to start lol

Wolfgirl: JOKES ON YOU SKY. I GOT THE ULTIMATE POWER*dramatically poses and holds up a reverse uno card* and that's why the rain is going g up instead of down.

Jeff: what the f-

Calypso, who has been trying to fix the rain for the past hour: WHAT THE EVERLOVING FUCK


Sally: the floor is lava. If you're on the floor you're dead go!

Everyone:*scrambles to get on something*

Wolfie:*sacrifices wolfgirl and pushes her off the couch*

Jeff:*laying on the floor* TAKE ME


Jill: when I woke up this morning, I meditated did 50 pushups, drink green tea and went for a 30 minute wall

Wolfgirl: when I woke up, I spent an hour just waking up.


Dr. Smiley:*holds the door open for Calypso* After you

Calypso:no after you

Dr. Smiley:I insist, after you

Eclipsa:*pushes past both of them* After me


BEN:we have fun, don't we, Jeff?

Jeff:I've never been more stressed out in my life.


Wolfgirl: I know exactly what I'm doing

Narrator:she had no idea what she was doing

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