Chapter 5

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A/N - Okay. Shit's about to get real. Got an idea and a plan now. Also, why can't I write when I'm doing an author note. But for real let's get into this babes.

Daisy was shaken awake. She rolled over. It was freezing cold but she was warm under her covers. A soft breeze was blowing around the room.

She jerked up, rubbing her eyes. Asmodeus recoiled. "Is the window open?" She croaked.

He shook his head. "No."

"I can see it. Right there. Are you running away?" She arched her arms over her head and yawned. Outside she could see stars dotting the night sky, sprinkled between the silhouette of her oak tree. "Why are you running away?"

"I'm not." Asmodeus had somehow hidden his horns in a SnapBack and was wearing her brother's baggiest hoodie and track pants. "Do you happen to have a car that you wouldn't miss?"

"Tell me the truth." Daisy pulled the blankets under her chin. "That's an order." Her eyes were crusty and blurry, Asmodeus' red skin looked darker and his muscles less defined.

"Fine!" He slapped the chair. "I'm running away! I don't care how long it takes, I'm going to find someone trying to summon an incubus and then I'll be allowed back into hell since you're obviously not up for-"

"Cool. Take me with you." Daisy stretched again. Her Pikachu onesie was tight around her chest and belly, but it was big enough to hide a slightly shrunken demon. "You can have my pajamas."

"Really?" Asmodeus glanced up at her. "No. No, you're not getting me like that. You're not coming with me."

"Can you drive?" Daisy pushed the covers aside. Her room was Antarctic-level ass-freezing cold. "Did you bring, like, a cold version of hell here?"

"I can't drive and no. There is no cold version. Heaven is irritatingly balmy." Asmodeus tossed his head. "And since. I cannot technically refuse you, pack a bag. You humans like that sort of thing, right? I once visited this guy -"

Daisy threw a stray sock at him. She was escaping. Escaping from her boring life, from her brother and sister and mother and no father. She'd have to come back eventually but fuck it, they couldn't stop her. She had an immortal edgelord with her. Tipping her school bag out with one hand, she scooped up underwear and black shirts and stretchy jeans. Her entire outfit was predictable and basic, but she loved it. Asmodeus leaned against the wall and watched her with narrowed eyes.

"I'm ready." She turned, exhaling and running her sweaty palms down her shirt. "Let's do this."

Asmodeus shrugged. He strode across the room to the open window and launched himself out. Daisy hurled herself over to it, palms on the window sill, and squinted into the darkness.

"Are you...uh...are you alright?" She yelled. Asmodeus' silhouette shifted and his hands blazed with sunlight. It filled his face with shadows, his clothes were sunken with darkness. The flare dissipated into the night, fleeing the shadows. Asmodeus was beaming.

"Come on!" He yelled through the darkness. "Throw your bag!"

Daisy stared into the darkness. She could see vague shapes, the tree looming in front of the moon knife sharp in front of it all. Asmodeus seemed to be glowing. Daisy grinned back and hurled her bag out the window.

It landed with a soft thump. Her laptop was wrapped in a jacket, her phone sandwiched in the middle of her bras. Asmodeus shifted below, rays of light spilling from the parts of his body that weren't obscured. Daisy slung one leg over the window sill.

"You'll catch me, right?" She yelled. Asmodeus' glowing head bobbed.

"Of course."

Daisy pushed her other leg out, standing on the window sill. The wooden frame of the glass dug into her back. Wind rushed past her face, cutting through her thin jeans and staining her nose red. Asmodeus glinted below, pacing back and forth on the inky grass. Her toes prickled.

She was about to jump out a second story window on the off-chance that a sex demon that she'd met that afternoon was going to catch her. She pressed her fingers into the cold brick walls on either side of the window.

The fall was short, a flash of brick, wind slamming her face, her lungs crushed with fear so tight that she couldn't scream.

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