Bonus Episode: Amazing Ducks

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During the sleepover party of Donald Duck and Daisy Duck, they grew up in space 4 years later and joined Mickey, Goofy, Minnie and Della.

"Welcome to Amazing Papers!" they said.

"What is going on?" said Goofy.

"How did you get there?" said Mickey.

"This is my dream place with all the characters living here." said Donald

"But I saw the aliens in the Donald space." said Mickey.

"Yes, we have aliens in this book." He said.

Suddenly, Gladstone, Fethry and Gyro appeared in this book. They are allies as well.

"Oh Donald, my best friend." Fethry laughed.

Donald said, "Do not worry, I'll fight the aliens once they're done."

They walk into the space of the headquarters to give instructions to the explosive aliens.

"Hi, I have not seen you for 4 years." she said.

"Nice to meet you!" Millicent said.

"These are my friends, Mickey Mouse, Goofy, Minnie, Louis, Tom, Millicent, Betty Lou, Daisy and Della with the allies Fethry, Gladstone and Gyro and we will blast the aliens." said Donald.

"Once you have new friends, they will join as allies to blast aliens." she said.

"Thank you, Madam, I will blow up the aliens for now." said Donald.

While Donald Dreams Amazing Ducks as he sings in the mall Paco, Jose and Panchito join the group to blast aliens.

"I know you're blasting the aliens!" Jose said.

Donale needs to buy more refills and 3 space weapons in the store so he can blow up the aliens. In the shop, a worker bought more supplies and 3 space cannons and Donald thanks to the worker saying "This can be more explosive than aliens."

Donald and his friends went looking for an alien and hid a fort, but nobody could see him. Donald tried to blow up the aliens but was knocked out by an alien. "Shoot, now we'll take one to get more updates of this." said Donald.

Finally, Huey, Dewey and Louie join the group to blow up the aliens. Donald Duck and his friends must make another blow to the alien boss.

"This is the final shot." said Donald.

"You can do it Donald!" Louis said.

Donald explodes the final alien and it's over. The mission is over.

"Congratulations to all of them!!" they said.

The next chapter will be here soon.

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