Prologue: Plans for Week

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In school, Emil-Drake and his classmates were talking about Maundy Thursday, Friday and Saturday before Easter.

"Are you gonna do Maundy Thursday while in class?" said Donald.

"Yes, we only have one class to study Maundy Thursday." said Emil-Drake.

"It's all kind of Easter eggs." said Goofy.

"Well younger kids might pick Easter eggs so that parents will have peanut-free snacks and toys." said Emil-Drake.

"And there's a bunny rabbit in a Easter hunt."

"Really?" said Louis.

"Talking about Easter, Good Friday was about the death of Jesus in Israel. Post-Good Friday is Maundy Saturday." said Emil-Drake.

"In the Philippines, most media went offline during Good Friday and almost went offline during Maundy Thursday and Saturday." said Fenton.

"That's right!" said Mrs. Coot. "If you're buying chocolate Easter eggs, you have to do it!"

"Whoa, that's a lot of chocolate Easter eggs!" said Tom.

"I know." said Mrs. Coot.

"Maybe I'll go home after I eat lunch." said Donald.

After talking about Lent and Easter eggs, Donald went home and ask Grandma Duck if they want to join on Easter Monday.

"Hey Grandma!" said Donald. "Did they want to join me on Easter?"

"Sure, I got candles for Lent, Easter bunny hats and chocolate Easter eggs for you." said Grandma Duck.

"Thank you Grandma, I'll wear on Easter Monday." said Donald.

"For Billy, he only has a bunny ears at the farm." said Donald.

"Donald I'll put 17 candles for Lent." said Grandma Duck.

"I have to sleep in 3 nights so in Maundy Thursday I only go to school in 1 day." said Donald.

Donald puts his lists for characters to invite his house for this holy holiday.

I can have all the teenage Disney characters that can tell you and many mouses and ducks are excited for Lent in praise of God Jesus.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2019 ⏰

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