Hospital Wing

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Lizbeth's POV

"Oh my, what happened to her?" Madam Pomfrey asks me.

"I don't know, I was asleep when I heard her screaming and I got straight up and found her like this!"

"Go get Professor Dumbledore and Professor Sprout. Tell them to meet us in the hospital wing." She tells me.

"Okay." I say and run out of the room. As soon as I go out through the portrait, I run straight into a clump of black fabric. I look up to see Professor Snape staring at me down his hooked nose.

"Ah, just the person I was looking for." He drawls. "Professor McGonagall sent me to find out why none of the girls from your room are in Transfiguration class."

"Something happened to Velinda, Madam Pomfrey just told me to go get Professor Dumbledore and Professor Sprout." I say and try to move around him, but he blocks me with his robes. I look up again and this time I see his face full of worry.

"What happened to her? Is she okay now?"

"We don't know what happened, she started screaming in her sleep and woke us up. Then when we got up we saw her lying in her bed, covered with cuts and scratches and I think there was even a bite mark on her neck. I tried to wake her up and she wasn't moving but then she whispered that she couldn't move. I sent Ellie to get Madam Pomfrey, and when Madam Pomfrey got here I told her what happened. Then she told me to go get Professors Dumbledore and Sprout, and that's where I'm trying to go now."

He steps out of my way and I run to the greenhouses where I find Professor Sprout teaching a class of second year Gryffindors.

"Professor, it's Velinda. She was somehow attacked in her sleep. Madam Pomfrey sent me to get you!" I say puffing.

"Oh my god, the poor thing! Class dismissed!" She says, "Lizbeth dear, please go get Professor Dumbledore."

"Where is he?" I ask.

"In his office. Go up the Headmaster's tower then through Gargoyle corridor. Stop when you get to the last gargoyle and say 'Cockroach Clusters.' That's the password. Tell Dumbledore that he needs to come to the hospital wing immediately."

I just nod and run back to the castle, I run up the stairs of the tower and along the corridor when I reach the last gargoyle, I stop.

"Cockroach Clusters." The gargoyle jumps aside revealing an opening in the wall. There is a large golden statue of a bird, I step in and suddenly I start moving upwards in a spiral direction. I see stairs moving underneath me. When it stops moving, I find myself in a giant office. Dumbledore is sitting at a large desk, brushing his long white beard.

"Um, uh, excuse me? Professor Dumbledore?"

"Ah, Miss Tripp, correct?"

"Yes, sir."

"How can I help you, my dear?"

"My roommate, Velinda Riddle was somehow injured in her sleep. Madam Pomfrey and Professor Sprout sent me to tell you to meet them at the hospital wing."

"Miss Riddle?"

"That's right, sir."

"Well, we better get going. So we can find out what happened." He stands up from behind his desk, steps onto the top of the golden stairway and gestures for me to follow him. I jump onto the top step just as the staircase starts moving down.

We head towards the hospital wing, where we find Madam Pomfrey and Professor Sprout talking in hushed voices. That is until they see us.

"Ah, Professor Dumbledore. I was luckily able to fix everything, yet we have no idea how it happened. She had a few dark bruises on her stomach and face, there was also a bruise around her neck as if someone had been choking her and a very poisonous snake bite. I got all the venom out of her system and the bruises are very faint now, she had a few scrapes and scratches but I was easily able to fix them. She woke up said 'Father' then fell unconscious again." Madam Pomfrey explains to him.

"Okay, send the other girls to class. Miss Tripp, please stay here." Dumbledore says. Professor Sprout went over to Ellie, Laura and Eleanor who were all sitting next to Velly, I mean Velinda. They all got up and Professor Sprout went with them to Transfiguration so they wouldn't get in trouble for being late.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!" Velinda is shaking violently and screaming. I rush over to her and grab her hand.

"Come on, Velly, um, Velinda. Wake up. That's all you have to do. Just open your eyes!" Her eyes open and she sits straight up.

"Help me." She says to me and then she falls on my shoulder and starts crying. I wrap my arms around her and try to comfort her.

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