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Narcissa's POV

I floo into the headmasters office. No one is here so I head to the door, when I reach the corridor there is a young girl standing there. She looks at me and says,

"Are you Velinda's mum?"

"Yes, I am. Do you know where she is?" I ask.

"She's in the hospital wing. Dumbledore sent me to meet you and take you there."

"What happened to her?"

"I don't know. She was in the room below me and I heard the screams, but, I never got told what happened. Dumbledore just told me to wait her for Velinda's mum."

"Okay, well let's get going."

She leads me to the hospital wing, I see Velinda lying in a bed on the right hand side, the bed next to her is occupied by a girl who looks about the same age. I run towards Velinda,

"Oh sweetie, what happened?" I say wrapping my arms around her, then I let go in case I'm hurting her.

"Father came to me in my dream and attacked me, he said that if you were smart, you would kick me out of your life." She tells me, crying.

"Darling, I love you and nothing can ever change that!" I say then kiss her on the head, leaving dark pink lip marks on her head.

"Oops." I try to wipe it off, but it just gets worse. We both laugh together.

"Ah, Narcissa. Thank you for coming so quickly. I was wondering if you knew anything of Velinda's locket?" Dumbledore says, I swear he just appeared out of nowhere.

"What locket?"

"This locket." Velinda says showing me the locket around her neck, it is dark green and has a black V on it.

"I've never seen this locket before in my life." I tell them. "However, it does look similar to Salazar Slytherin's locket. Where did you get this, honey?"


"In your dream?" I ask.

"Yes, he held me against the wall by my throat and put it on me. I can't take it off, it tightens and there is a snake inside it!" As she's talking, I notice little holes on her neck which I assume are a snake bite.

"The snake bit me and my friend Lizbeth." She tells me indicating the girl in the next bed who seems to be stirring.

"Oh sweetie," I say giving her another hug. "I think the Dark Lord must've tried to make his own version of Slytherin's locket. I have no idea whether the V is for Velinda or his name."

"So he made a cursed locket?" Velinda asks.

"Yes," I say, "he made a cursed locket."

"Can you find out anything else about it?" Dumbledore asks me.

"If I can get a picture, I might be able to get more information."

"Wonderful. I'll send someone to get Colin Creevey, he's a second year student who is very good at photography." Dumbledore says then leaves the room.

The girl in the other bed, Lizbeth starts to sit up.

"Velly-inda, what happened?"

"Lizbeth! You were bitten by the snake in my locket and now my mum is going to find out more about it so we can stop it." Velinda tells her. Lizbeth looks at me and her face changes from confusion into fear.

"STAY AWAY FROM ME!" I step back, I have no idea what's wrong with this girl.

"Lizbeth, what's wrong?" Velinda asks.

Lizbeth points at me and says,

"She killed my father!"

The Dark Lord's DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now