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I suddenly find myself back in the hospital wing. My eyes widen as I try to sit up quickly. A firm hand pushes me down.
"Stay down." Madam Pomfrey says.
"Lizbeth." I try to say but no noise comes out.
"Miss Tripp is fine. She wasn't really there, Professor Dumbledore will explain everything to you later. But right now, you need to get some rest." She tells me. I continue to look around. Dumbledore strides into the room and I try to get out of bed quickly, but, Madam Pomfrey pushes me back down on the bed.
"Professor Dumbledore! What happened to Lizbeth?" I ask, barely making a noise.
"I cast a unique protection spell on Miss Tripp that stopped her from being harmed when I sent her into your head. She will be comatose for a few hours, after that though, she will be fine." He explains.
"What about my mother? Is she okay?"
"Your mother is exactly the same as you. The two of you have suffered completely identical wounds."
"Where is she?" I whisper, sitting up again.
"In the bed over there." He says, gesturing towards the end of the room where Madam Pomfrey is standing at a table.
"Okay, that's enough talking." Madam Pomfrey says as she walks back to my bed and pushes me down a third time. "Now are you going to stay down by yourself or do I need to use magic to keep you still?"
"I'm staying down. It's all good." I say, pulling the blankets up to my chin.
"Huuuuuuuuu" I hear Lizbeth gasp behind the curtain at the end of the room.
"LIZBETH!" I call out and start to get up, but I quickly get back down so Madam Pomfrey won't bind me to the bed.
"VELLY!" She calls back. "Are you okay?"
"Yes. I thought you were dead!" I have tears streaming down my face again.
"For a moment I thought I was too. Everything was green, then it went completely dark." I can hear her sobbing.
"Madam Pomfrey, please let me see her! Can't I go in one of the beds next to her?"
"Oh fine." She raises her wand and levitates me across the room, my body goes stiff like a plank while I'm in the air. Once I'm safely in the bed, Madam Pomfrey moves the curtain away so Lizbeth and I can see each other. Then walks away.
"Hey Velly." She says with a smile.
"Hey Liz," I answer, smiling. "Tell me, what exactly did you think you were doing coming into my head? What if I'd had secrets that I wanted to hide?"
"Oh don't worry. I promise not to tell anyone that you have the world's largest collection of sock puppets!" She says, giggling.
"Oh no, you saw that?" I say jokingly.
We stay up talking for a few hours, until Madam Pomfrey gives us a sleeping potion to shut us up.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2015 ⏰

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