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As Elijah approached the old tomb to release Mr Salvatore as per Miss Gilbert's request, he noticed the snow had begun to fall a lot more heavily. Very different from the light dusting outside his apartment, before.

'She must be close.' The Original thought with a slight shiver of anticipation. Not from the cold...

He tilted his head with a raised eyebrow when he heard the tail end of a conversation, "-Elijah is here and Klaus is never far behind. Please listen to me and go. Just go."

Katerina. And the little white haired vampire's name is Wynter. How... The Mikaelson mused until a smirk lit up his features, Original...

The answering voice was calm, light and dreamy, "I can't leave you here."

Elijah quite liked the sound of her voice. Pure and sweet. Innocent. And he was absolutely positive his brother would love it even more.

"Winter, no," the oldest vampire mumbled hoarsely, "You're too precious to me, I can't let anything happen to the only light in my life, so please-" Katerina begged.

The Noble Original rose both of his eyebrows this time, not recognizing the tone in the vampire doppelgänger's voice.

Wait... Ahh. So that's what that was. A motherly voice. One Elijah never thought the traitorous Petrova could ever possess.

He took a step forward and a twig broke under his shoe, the Original uttering a silent oath at his mistake. All eyes shot to him and Katerina, in particular, wore a face of horror, "Elijah..."


Wynter watched the handsome Original play with his cufflinks then shove his hands in his pockets, before he spoke, "Katerina. Mr Salvatore. And... Miss?"

The young vampire opened her mouth to reply, but the Petrova interrupted, cutting her off, "Nobody. She's nobody Elijah."

A small frown creased the blonde's brow as she looked at Katerina, whereas the Mikaelson hid his curiosity behind a facade of indifference, "Such a strong reaction for a stranger, Katerina."

The vampire doppelganger's flitted from him to the girl, a fearful look in her brown eyes.

In an instant, Elijah's large hand was wrapped around Wynter's arm, his hold firm but still gentle, making a surprised gasp escape her mouth and a scared whimper leave Kat's throat.

He turned to Stefan, "You're free to leave now."

This made the Salvatore glance at his past lover, who pleaded his name in a murmur. But the blond was gone before a second word could be said. The Petrova vampire now believed that Elijah's witches had unspelled the tomb, but she was too afraid to move, wanting nothing more than to get her daughter as far away from the Original as possible.

"I'll ask again, dear Katerina. Who is this girl?"

The white blonde looked up at the man who held her arm, with a dreamy smile, "My name is Wynter."

The Mikaelson blinked as his chocolate brown eyes met her ice blue, hypnotized by her soft and delicate tone. Her face was sweet, the way she held herself was elegant and innocent. The girl just radiated purity. How could that even be possible?

"Elijah," he turned his head to look at the Petrova, "Please, if you've ever loved me, ever, you'll let her go. I'm begging you, please. She has no part in this at all."

The Original looked back to the woman in his grasp, studying her face with her high cheekbones, styled eyebrows, small nose and pouted pink lips. The blonde's eyes intrigued him the most, filled with such wonder and curiosity. The woman was bathed in the aroma of freshly fallen snow, her skin was cool, almost unbearably so.

The snow began to fall faster, making him raise an eyebrow at her, knowing that she was responsible.


Wynter blinked several times, surprised when his warm fingers gently took her chin and moved her head side to side, the man's heavy gaze on her. In the tomb, she could sense her mother about to have a panic attack with her being so close to the Mikaelson.

Of course, she knew he was very dangerous, and could kill her in less than a second, but she could tell that he wouldn't. Her gut told her so. He was too interested in who she is.

Feeling slightly uncomfortable under his eyes, the snow fell harder which made the man raise an eyebrow at her.

"Please Elijah..." Kat pleaded in a broken whimper.

Once again, the Original looked to the brunette and not even bothering to compel her, said, "I believe I shall need some company whilst you stay here, Katerina. I'm sure you'll be fine whilst you remain here until I come to get you, yes?"

Gathering the white-haired woman in his arms, Elijah sped off into the forest, leaving the vampire trapped in the tomb of her own free will, crying out, "No, Wynter! Wynter!!"


Stopping at his apartment's door, Elijah gently placed his 'guest' down so he could open it. It was a small test, to see if she needed to be given permission to come in.

Wynter knew this, some witches had tried the same. A small, amused smile was sent the Mikaelson's way before she took a step through the threshold. She liked the room, it was simple, yet modern and she could tell Elijah hadn't been here for long.

"Miss Wynter, can I get you something?" The Original asked, standing behind her.

"You are a gentleman, aren't you? But no thank you, Mister Mikaelson, I am fine," the blonde said in her airy tone, "As fine as I could be with kidnapped."

The corner of his lips curled up in amusement. He stepped forward to take her coat when suddenly sharp teeth sunk into his hand.

A startled grunt left his throat and Wynter giggled, the Arctic Fox growling at him. The animal didn't appreciate being manhandled.

"Well then, " Elijah said, rubbing his hand, "If you don't mind, Miss Wynter, I'd like to ask a few questions."

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