Swaying Preparation

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Ruby's POV

We were in the ballroom doing the necessary preparations for the dance tomorrow night, I couldn't help but worry for Blake. She's been way too serious about taking down the White Fang, she hasn't slept in days.

"I know you're worried," (Y/N) said placing a bunch of confetti on the table. "We'll get her to come, don't worry."

"I hope so." I sighed and placed my head down on the table.

I was deep in thought when a sudden loud thud snapped me out of it. I look up to see Weiss slowly sliding two squares in front of me.

"I need you to pick a tablecloth." she smiled.

I looked at her confused.

"Aren't those both the same?" (Y/N) butted in just in time.

"I don't even know why I asked!" Weiss sighed in frustration as she stormed off.

"You weren't wrong (N/N)," I held his hand. "They were both clearly the same."

Our short moment was interrupted by loud slam that hit the floor. We look behind us to see Yang brushing off her hands after placing down one of the large speakers, which was nearly tall as her.

"Remind to not get on your bad side..." (Y/N) sweatdropped.

"That's cute," Yang snickered as she walked towards our direction. "Have you two picked out what to wear yet?"

"Nope." (Y/N) bluntly answered.

"What's the point?" I moped. "Who cares about the dance if Blake isn't going?"

"Oh don't worry she's going." Yang grabbed (Y/N)'s shoulder. "He has a plan."

I looked at (Y/N), only to receive a reassuring smile. I couldn't help, but smile back and blush.

"Weiss! I thought we agreed!" Yang yelled at her teammate. "No doilies!"

Weiss walked up to Yang pointing at her face.

"If I don't get doilies," she threatened. "You don't get fog machines!"

"Are you two seriously going to argue over this?" (Y/N) tried to calm them down.

"Yes!" they simultaneously yelled at him.

One of the doors suddenly opened, as Sun and Neptune walked in.

"Your dance is gonna have fog machines?" he asked.

Weiss suddenly got all sweet and stepped up to him.

"We were thinking about it..." she said in a creepy-sweet tone.

"That is so not like her." (Y/N) whispered, making me giggle at his remark.

Sun came walking behind Neptune, making gestures with his fingers.

"You ladies all excited for dress-up?" he said acting all suave.

"I guess." I said rather sadly.

(Y/N) gently squeezed my shoulder and smiled, I smiled back and nodded.

"Laugh all you want," Yang said confidently. "I'll be turning heads tomorrow night!"

"Let's hope you don't break their necks in the process." (Y/N) joked.

Yang let out a sarcastic laugh, and nudged him a bit too hard causing him to fall down.

"Yang!" I scolded her.

"I'm alright, don't worry." (Y/N) said brushing himself off.

"Soooo... what doe Blake think of all this?" Sun asked. "She still being all, you know... Blake-y?"

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