Chapter 5

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Hey, guys Im back LIsten, im free until the beginning of February if you guys are not liking the story please tell me I won't waste My time, Im still not getting a good response on the book if that is so, I will end it...


The Doctor came in Anika's room

Anika- What is the results?

Doctor- I ran Your tests 3 times and it seems that you are just shy of a week Pregnant!

The ground beneath Anika's feet!

Doctor- Now I know you might be shocked but tell your Partner about this and if you are considering Abortion, it is too early for that. After a Month you can come in and look into that but for now congratulations on your pregnancy! I will Tell the receptionist your medications needed for the first stages of your pregnancy and will have you come back for regular Appointments to see the growth of the baby! you can go now!

Saying that the Doctor left leaving a Shocked Anika!


She crashed towards the floor breaking down into tears!

Anika- kyuu!!!! Why Shivay! Why Did you rape me and now destroy my life with this child! What will people say? they will call me a whore! a slut! a bed warmer! and this child NAJAYAZ!!!(Illegitimate)

She continued crying for a few minutes but then got up and composed herself.

Anika (while wiping her tears)- I can't fall weak now enough Raita has been spilled now its time for me to take action!

she said coldly as the start of her SECRET MOTIVE HAS JUST BEGAN!

she walked out of the room to meet with an anxious Guri who bombarded her with thousands of questions

Anika- Bass Guri please im fine and look I also have a check up after 3 weeks so im fine!

Guri- No you are not fine! why did you faint at the parking lot?

Anika- Vo actually due to the stress of these exams I was not eating properly and im also on my period so those factors made me a little weak, but trust me im fine!

she lied

Guri- hmmm ok but im staying with you until new years eve (Monday) that's when we will see our results.

Anika- Ok meri Maa!

Guri- now let's leave I just hate the smell of hospitals!

Anika- same here now im craving for rock salt vanilla ice cream with extra salt topping!

Guri- ye... KYAAAA!!!! rock salt vanilla ice cream with extra salt topping!

Anika- What it's not like im pregnant and it's my weird hormonal changes that are making me crave for weird things!

She said out of the blue!


Anika- What NO im not!

Guri- hmmm OK for a second you gave me a mini heart attack!

Anika- I just want to try it!

Guri- Hmmm ok we will get it together!

Anika- thanks now let's go!

The Girls left for the Icecream shop and ordered the weird Icecream Combination! Anika was enjoying the salty Ice cream while Guri excused herself and puked in the ladies room!

Her Secret MotiveOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant