The boy

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Trinity's POV

So it was a normal day for me just killing the dead and running cause I mean that's just really normal NOT but in this day in time it is the world turned to hell about a year ago and I watched all my family die because of the dead so I've been alone for a little while well I guess a long while but I don't care I can take care of my self....... for the most part

So I'm out hunting and killing the walkers when I hear a scream and I didn't even think twice while I started running towards it.

When I found out were it came from it was a boy with four walkers chasing him so I immediately took action and ran towards them
"Hey butt holes over here" I yelled and they took the attention off of the boy to me

I took out both of my silver axes and then the first one came up and I swung the axe right up his head while I kicked the one next to it to the ground and the other two still coming at me so I hit one of them in the head while I flipped the axe in my hand and threw it into one of the walkers the I killed the one that I knocked on the ground

' Well that was fun' I thought then I looked over at the boy that was looking at me with awe

"You ok" I said worriedly
"Yes I'm fine" he said looking around at what I did "how did you do that" he asked coming closer to me
"Just practice kid" I said smiling then going over to the walker that still had my axe in his head

" I'm Carl by the way" he said slowly stepping in front of me
"Hi Carl in Trinity" I said smiling about to put up my hand but before I could he hugged me. And let me tell you I was shooketh

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