I cant

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Trinitys POV

After he said that he just looked at me and everyone else froze to see my answer. Lori was crying and pleading with the pirate man.

"Please I'll tell you where it is just don't kill me and my baby" she stoped and looked at me "kill her instead"

I looked over towards her with a raised eyebrow "excuse me you hoe I haven't done anything to you" I gritted my teeth

The pirate man just started laughing. After he finished laughing he pointed the gun towards Lori again. "Give me your choice Trinity".

"Im sorry" I stopped and looked at Lori "I can't do that to Rick"

"HOW COULD YOU I HAVE A LIVING CHILD IN ME" she screamed and came at me.

"I'm sorry I would never kill a child but you brought this on yourself when you went to his side" I nodded towards the pirate man.

Then the pirate man put the gun up to Lori "sorry" I closed my eyes because I didn't want to watch. Right before he could shoot there was an explosion outside.

'Great timing guys'

Another chance at love  (Rick Grimes love story)Where stories live. Discover now