Guessing game

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Trinity's POV

When I woke up it was very cold in my cell so I guessed it was cold out side to so I put a big black sweatshirt on and black leggings got my two baby's btw those are my axes and went downstairs to eat breakfast

After sitting down for a little while someone's hands covers my eyes "guess who" said a little boys voice

" let me guess...... Carl"  I said smiling and he uncovers my eyes

"How did you know" he said laughing

" well I have eyes in the back of my head" I said making a funny face

" no you don't" he said sticking out his tongue

And we both started laughing

Ricks POV

When I go downstairs I see Carl with his hands over Trinity's eyes and then he takes them off and starts laughing, then I see Trinity making a really funny face at Carl, then Carl is sticking his tongue out at her then they were laughing

What the crap is going on

To be honest I'm glad Trinity came into our lives I haven't seen Carl laugh so much and I haven't really smiled a lot until she got here

I really think she's good for us and I hope she likes us to. But I get such a weird feeling when I'm around her nothing I've ever had before and I don't know what it is

I just hope she stays around for a long time

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