chapter 8 : The Night of Love or Betrayal

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Warning: This chapter IT WILL CONTAIN MATURE SEXUAL SCENES Please READ AT YOUR OWN RISK it'll be strictly 16+

I will give you a warning before the mature content starts and ends otherwise Enjoy....

Meera's P.O.V

As soon as I reached the gates of Nanda Mansion I seen Abhi waiting for me by his black BMW he was leaning against it I quickly rushed before I could get in he stopped me  giving me a sweet smile he opened the door for sweet , giving him a quick smile I got in

The next hour passed as I tried four different dresses finally last rose gold coloured dress got fixed as it fitted perfectly against my curves not mine Abhi's words after getting the dress packed we left the store right in front of it was a cute Ice cream stall

"Hey Meera let's have Ice cream" Abhi said I was in no mood to deny the heavenly deal it's been a long time since I enjoyed my time eating Ice-cream and I wanted to do just that

"Okay" I said giving him a pleasing smile

"What flavour will you have" he asked while holding chocolate and strawberry cones I picked the strawberry cone and started devouring it I looked up to watch Abhi amused

"What" I asked wiggling my eyebrows

"Nothing I just thought girls like chocolate flavour" he replied

"Yeah girls die for chocolates I do too but not chocolate ice-cream it tastes disgustingly bitter" I said slightly cringing while I remembered the time I had chocolate ice-cream with Arav and khushi it was disgusting since that time I hated no loathed chocolate ice-cream tho I love chocolates

Abhi gave a big smile showing his perfectly white teeth "You're cute" he said making my cheeks go red

"Thanks I guess" I said awkwardly

"You know You are like dandruff" he said suddenly breaking the awkward atmosphere

"Whatttt" I asked with one raised eyebrow clearly confused at his statement

"because I just cannot get you out of my head no matter how hard I try" he said dramatically making me laugh

"Abhi are you trying to flirt with me" I asked while smiling

"Nope that was my fail attempt on telling you how beautiful you are...but I need more than 140 characters to tell you how beautiful you are when you laugh like that you know" he said while leaning in before I could react his Lips were on mine moving softly but it didn't give me any of those feelings Rohan's kiss had ignited

Rohan oh my cow I can't kiss Abhi I don't Love him i stood frozen as Abhi kept kissing me before I could push him away his body was separated from mines with a thud I looked up to find Rohan's eyes blazing with fire he looked angry not just simple angry the hulk type angry he looks so hot when he's angry I mentally slapped myself for thinking about such things while the situation is serious I seen Rohan had fisted his rough hand tightly about to pounce him

"Rohan" I said but it came out as faint whisper he turned around to puch Abhi but my small soft hands stopped his big rough hand he looked directly in my eyes which had fear in them he relaxed as I kept rubbing small soothing circles on his palm to calm him down

He grabbed my arm and pushed me in his car I flinched but didn't say anything cause I know people should never provoke RN when he's angry after he locked the door he went straight by him and picked him up by his collar the rest of the conversation they were having or arguing I could not hear since his car was a bit far and there was huge amount of crowd watching the two of them I sat quietly waiting for Rohan to come

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