chapter 11: Mini Marshmallows

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         5 years later  (California)

                Meera's P.O.V.

It had been exactly 2 hours since I've been listening to this crap in the name of deal it was nothing but stupid demands I tilted my head a little bit to see Aarav sitting with bored expression our eyes met and he understood that even i was not interested in their stupid demands

"I think we should get the upper level benefit from that structure" the lady with the old man from Carmen industries said

"And I think that is enough I don't think we are interested in this deal of yours which hardly benefits us"  I tried to sound as polite as I could which was difficult because that old hags face was irritating me

"What do you mean you not interested if you were not interested than why did we waste our precious time here on this useless people" the old hag said making my blood boil

"You're right why did you even bother coming here when you didn't have one good presentation about the deal why waste "your precious time" if you only wanted your benefits , you know you could've have spent the same time fixing the botox on your face so it seems less irritating anyways the door is right behind may leave" I said giving her a big smirk 

She glared at me and left the old man stood up and said
" I'm really sorry about this my wife is new to these things so she always messes it up" the old man I think Mr Carmen said

"It's okay I figured when I seen first few pages of presentation I'm sorry to say Mr carmen but you should really check on her presentations it can save you from future loss I think with business work you should be professional don't ever involve your personal and professional life I think you understand this better than I do"
I said trying to sound as professional as I could he nodded Warmly and left

I turned around and glared at Aarav who was grinning like an idiot

"You know M I'm really happy you came along on this meeting with me I wouldn't have lasted for even a minute" Aarav said trying to stop himself from laughing

"Shut up Aarav what's so funny she literally had no good causes for the deal she just wanted a upper hand benefit from your company so she could shove little bit more botox on her face" I said while grabbing a glass of water

"Hey but seriously thanks for joining me I was literally dying when I got to know D couldn't attend the meeting but thanks anyways" Aarav said and well yeah It had been 7 years since D and Aarav started their business as partners and in no time they made it to the top 5 successful business men in California

"Yeah well D is coming back tonight and we having a dinner party at my house don't forget" I said reminding Aarav he tends to forget things alot

"Ooh yeah thanks for reminding you know I was missing my Mini Marshmallows it's been a while since I saw them" Aarav said and I chuckled ooh shit Mini Marshmallows

"Dammit Aarav thanks I'm late because of you shit face" I yelled at him trying to grab my car keys

He smirked and said "good luck M and love you" I glared at him and left from there

I quickly unlocked my new BMW and started driving I wondered what they did today last time I had a big parade of neighbours complaining

As soon as I reached I parked my car in the garage and Walked inside I expected something but strangely there was no sound coming

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