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Chaewon POV

"Better." I whispered to myself while sitting in the corner of the room listening to a random playlist with volume on its maximum.

I can feel the judging atmosphere of the people inside the room. No-- I just dont feel it, I can hear it.

"Thats chaewon?"

"She's pretty."

"I heard that she's really giving cold treatment to everyone."

"I'll bet $10 I can make her mine."

"She act cool but she's not really cool"

"She's intellegent but--."

"Dont come near her."

"Her mom's a whor--"

"Goodmorning class." our teacher entered the class and greeted us with a smile. If only our teacher didnt enter earlier, I might've massacred students already. Little they know I can still hear them chit chatting and talking.

"Ms. Kim, earphones please."the teacher mouthed while pointing at my ears. I quickly got her message and removed my earphones from me and placed it back on my bag.

"Ms. Kim, earphones please." the teacher said once again but this time she didnt mouthed it, she said it. I looked at her and pointed to myself asking if she's talking to me.

The teacher shook her head and pointed at the person sitting on my right,  there I saw a girl palms on her chin staring straightly outside our window wearing earphones with maximum volume in which I can already hear what she's playing.

At first I didn't mind her since she's none of my business and I actually dont care about it. I dont talk or socialize to people I dont know, unless it's needed.

But the teacher called for my attention once again asking me to get the attention of the person sitting on my right.

"Why me, of all the people here in our room." I sighed and noticed that I'm the only one sitting near her. Does she have some kind of disease or sickness or something-?

I dont know where I got the courage but I dragged my chair towards her and poked her shoulder trying to get her attention.

She then removed both of her earphone and looked on my way.

Black thin hair waving at me dancing along the wind coming from the opened window beside her. Blue cold eyes having the same resemblance of the sky staring straightly at me.

"Yes?" she asked while still staring straightly at me that made me feel a little bit uncomfortable. Some people dont even look at me when I'm talking at them. Maybe I'm really intimidating.

"Earphones." I shortly replied and shrugged off. Dragging back my chair to my original position and paying attention to our teacher who just gave me a heartwarming smile.

"Oh, thanks." she thanked and kept her earphones back in her pocket.

"Such calming voice."

"For today, we are going to have a groupwork. Cho--" the teacher didnt had the time to finish her instruction because everyone was making riot already, looking for a decent group- that will carry them.

"Class." our teacher coldly said that took everyone's attention, they know what will happen next so they paid attention.

"Form a group consisting of 4 members each. It will be your permanent groupings until the end of the school year so choose wisely. Now go pick." our teacher added as she watch her students ran havoc inside the room searching for groupmates.

"Our beloved top 1."

"Top 1 my friend."

"Top 1 where are you?!" one person shouted as he stood up looking for our top 1.

"Our top 1 is missing."

"Top 1 is not- nice."

Why are they even looking for our top 1, its not like he or she would want to be in team with bunch of idiots.

Wait that's me.

Teaming up with me, so they can get their asses carried. A bunch of useless people.

"Ms. Kim." our teacher called for my- no for "our" attention.

"Yes?" we both asked remembering the fact that we're both Kim.

"I mean Ms. Kim Chaewon, sorry." the teacher giggled as she remember that she have 2 students who has kim on their names.

"Please choose your groupmate, they're all looking for you." she added and gave out a smile.

Infront of me, a bunch of idiot people asking and begging me to pick them as my member. Talking to me formally as if they didn't talk shit me a while ago. Plastic people indeed.

I slowly looked at all of them one by one. I can see them beg at me through the eyes. I dont pity dumb people.

I then returned my gaze to my teacher and gave out a plain smile. "I'm fine doing it solo ma'am." I said that took everyone by surprise, and of course-- the people who hates me.

"She's being boastful."

"Pft, just because she's the top 1 she acts like she can handle everything on her own." one person from my back intentionally said it aloud making  it possible to be heard by everyone.

Well it's not like I care, that's how they see me I cant change that.

"Okay then, I'll look forward for your groups. I'll be going now we still have a meeting. Enjoy the free time." our teacher waved goodbye and left the room leaving our room a mess.

No wait, its not "our" room. I never considered this place as a room and I never thought of myself being with them.

"Being top 1 is really nice, you get to team up with anyone- especially your friends."

"But sadly our top 1 doesn't have friends."

They started to say aloud pretending that they dont see me. As if Im not in this stupid room.

I didn't mind them since that's what I always do. I looked for my earphone again and started to plug it in my phone maximizing the volume again.

Being all alone and not having a single friend is better than being with people who only sticks with you for their use.

As I was about to leave reality and entertain myself with deep thoughts I heard a new yet calming voice coming from somewhere.

"Ms. Kim Chaewon?"


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