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Chaewon POV

Seems like she was also played on. Who would even imagine me-- an introvert to be running as a president our school. Most specifically, with lot of students hating on me. This is way too impossible.

Bunch of useless people. The word stupid is not enough to describe all of them. Annoying.

"You didn't really apply for it?" Minjoo asked confused on what's happening.

"Why would I." I shortly replied. This is giving me too much headache, when I shouldn't be.

I can basically just talk to the principal to drop my name out of the candidates and I'll be fine.

"What are you going to do with it?" she looks bothered about this one, can she just sit back and relax and watch how these dumb students fight over the power?

"Hm." I hummed while I drag a chair towards me and sat on it.

I took glances on her and she looked uncomfortable. Maybe I'm not really that comfortable.

Resting my chin on my palms while I think on what I should do. An idea popped out from nowhere.

"I'm going home." I plainly answered and stared at her waiting for response.


"I'll be going to somewhere, let's just talk about our groupwork tomorrow."

"Why can't we just talk about it now?"

I was frozen up for seconds from where I'm currently sitting. Did she just--

"I mean- its- just- uh- sorry." she tried her best to explain and excuse herself but it's no use anymore, she cant take back what she already said.

She then looked down on the floor again not letting a single word come out of her mouth.

As much as I hate talking and socializing why do I feel so much guilt within me.

I want to say sorry and apologize to her. But the words wont come out.

"Just not today." That's the only thing that came out of my mouth. Something's wrong with me.

I mean, there is always something wrong with me, its nothing new.

The silence took over, lots of students are talking and making noise, this room is a mess but why do I feel this much silence in between us.

Ah. I'll just leave.

I stood up from my seat and walked away directly going to the exit of our room. I didn't even bother to say or bid goodbye. It's not necessary afterall

"Goodbye." I heard her softly mumble as she turn her back from me returning her gazes to view outside the window.

Why does she likes staring and glancing outside our window, there's nothing special on it. Or maybe we just have different perspective.

Thinking of all these thoughts I didn't notice that I already reached my destination. My comfort place.


I immediately found myself standing on a spot where I always rest.

Resting my thoughts.

Resting myself.

I already found a comfortable place for me to take a nap-- I mean sleep. It's free time afterall and also this place is not well known for students that's why this is my comfort place.

I'm free to wander my thoughts and imaginations without limitations.

"Kim Chaewon?" I heard a familiar voice from somewhere. Students rarely visit this place because its a boring place. Who would even--

"Ah, sorry did I disturbed you?" Minjoo asked as she walk up towards me.

"How did you--"

"I always stay at this place. Its quiet here so I like to stay up here." she then sat beside me and sighed.

Oh I see. We're the same.

"Tell me Chaewon, why do you like to stay here?"

"Nothing special. Why'd you ask."

"Nothing, I just feel like asking."

"Do you mind telling me things about yourself?"

Everyone knows how much I hate talking about myself.

No one is even interested in knowing about me.

So why would she even bother to know.

"What things." I replied. I dont know, as much as I hate speaking about myself my mouth wont stop me from saying it.

Why would I talk about myself when its completely nonsense afterall. My life is a mess, nothing's interesting on it.


But there's something that's making me want to tell things about myself to her. I dont even know her, I dont even know she's existing.

"Im Kim Chaewon, living with my mother and ---" I decided not to continue it, I might say something unforgivable.

"And-?" she asked curious of the next words that Im going to say.

"And thats it."

"Well I, people always think of me as a cold person. An emotionless and expressionless one."

She really look like one afterall. Maybe that's why I'm getting more and more comfortable around her. We're the same, almost.

I can see myself to her. We have so many similarities.

"I hate people." I mumbled to myself, to my surprise she heard it.

"No exemptions?"

"I--" she got me there.

"Haha I was joking." she giggled and stared up the blue sky admiring it's beauty and it's bright color.

I did the same, but later on I found myself staring at her instead.

I wanted to look at the sky, how did I end up gazing up to her blue orbs that is resembling the sky.

"You're really pretty Chaewon. I feel ashamed having the same surname as you." she then averted her stares at me. I immediately drifted my eyes away from her.

She might say I'm staring at her. Even it's really true.


"You're also pretty." I returned the compliments.

"Say Chaewon, let's win the election okay?" she

"President is only for one person."

"We're both Kim! It's a win win for us." she smiled brightly at me that somehow cheered me up, a little bit, I guess.

Not a little bit-- But it completely changed my mood.

I felt my heart bloom by her bright smile.

Such heartwarming smile, it was pure. I cant remember when was the last time I had this kind of feeling, its nice.

This was the time I knew something changed.

It was the time we started being friends.


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