1K 64 19

200 Years Ago
City of Cassiopeia, Cyber

Elara's POV

I sit on the edge of the porch, my feet dangling in the gaping hole of air below. In front of me, a beaming white sun melts slowly behind the horizon of whizzing aircrafts and buoyant steel buildings.

Nova from next door sits at my side, playing with bionic action figures.

"Ÿm ÿmmøm šyäy ęht Akîrîdîønš ęrä däb," My mommy says the Akiridions are bad, she announces.

"Ÿhw?" Why? I say.

"Ęhš šÿäš ęr'ÿęht gnîÿrt øt lørtnøc šu rø gnîhtęmøs," She says they're trying to control us or something, she continues to play with her figures. "Ęr'ÿęht gnîläętš ruø døøf, dnä ruø šÿøt. Î knîht mî gnîøg øt ęšøl ÿm lärvøx." They're stealing our food, and our toys. I think I'm going to lose my larvox.

"Ÿm ÿddäd šÿäš ęht Akîrîdîønš ęrä däb øøt," My daddy says the Akiridions are bad too, I offer. "Tüb ęh t'ndîd ÿäš ÿhw." But he didn't say why.

"Ębÿäm ęh tšuj t'nšęød ękîl męht," Maybe he just doesn't like them, Nova suggests. I say nothing. She activates two of her figures and brings them up, right before her eyes. The white sun reflects in her irises as ever so slowly, she forces the dolls into each other. Sparks fly.


My fingers splay in front of me, each metal limb whirring with mechanical sound. One by one, I bend my fingers.

"Lufęräc, Nęväęh. T'nød trüh flęšruøy," Careful, Nevaeh. Don't hurt yourself, Mommy's voice calls.

Hurt myself? How can I hurt myself? I didn't know that was possible.


"Gälîlęø Äkräm. Näc ęnøęmøš ęręh llęt ęm øhw Gälîlęø Äkräm šî?" Galileo Akram. Can someone here tell me who Galileo Akram is? Our history teacher Ms. Juno beseeches.

A blue hand belonging to an Akiridion boy sitting in front of me shoots up in excitement.

"Šølvęîg!" Solveig! She pinpoints.

He tosses his whitish-blue bangs out of his face smugly. "Gälîlęø Äkräm šî ęht tšrîf ręlur fø Çÿbęr, dnä ÿm ręhtäfdnärg." Galileo Akram was the first ruler of Cyber, and my grandfather.

"Dnä tähw îdd ęh hsîlpmøccä nî šîh šräęy?" And what did he accomplish in his years?

"Llęw, nęhw ęht Çÿbęrnętîç ęręw gnîvîl nî ä røøp dnä läîçîfîrçäš ęlÿtšęfîl ęręhw ÿęht dluøç ÿlnø dnęf røf šęvlęsmęht, ęht Äkîrîdîønš, ÿm ręhtäfdnärg, køøt ręvø røf rîęht ÿrämîrp šręlur dnä ędäm Çÿbęr ä ręttęb ęçälp: ręttęb nøîtäšîliîvîç, ręttęb šęîmønøçę dnä ręttęb šęräflęw røf ęht døøg fø ęht ęlpøep." Well, when the Cybernetic were living in a poor and sacrificial lifestyle where they could only fend for themselves, the Akiridions, my grandfather, took over for their primary rulers and made Cyber a better place: better civilisation, better economies and better welfares for the good of the people.

"Llęw dîäš!" Well said! Ms. Juno praises him. "Î ęęš Šølvęîg'š nęęb gnîpęęk pü htîw šîh ÿlîmäf ÿrøtšîh." I see Solveig's been keeping up with his family history.

Even though I know as well as the other Cybers in my class that Solveig's claim is a lie, none of us dare to stand up to him. At least not to the future King of Cyber.

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