Chapter 20:Love

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I wanna ask. Should I do I'd own POV?



I look around and saw that beautiful face smiling,showing her dimples. Alison is reading Great Expectations. She told me that she loves it. She almost read it at the end. I only read half of it.

She looks pretty with that smile,same with her dimples on the corners of her lips. I sigh of relief,she's having a nice time reading it. I should leave her alone.

I stand up,and walk just casually to the door and walk out. Heading to the pool was the only thing that popped in my mind.

I got in,no one is here. Just me. Just like how I want it to be. No distractions so I can dance in the water like freedom.

Putting off my shoe,taking off my watch and put it down on the floor. I pull the ham of my shirt up,and drop it. Run a little and jump,diving in the cold. Just like a drop of a water.

Splashing it and making sounds is music to my wet ears. I feel cold everywhere,and just like that I feel totally free. Cutting through the water from my fingertips,whacking my legs to paddle my body for speed. This is just what i need in the meantime.

I feel like someone is about to jump in so I stop,and swim back away. I couldn't see who it was. He or she might have jumped in fast. I look everywhere but they're gone. Completely. The water is waving as if someone DID jump in.

I start to panic,I did hear a splash. I look at my shoes and my tee shirt,it's still there,but there's another outfit. A jacket and white tank top with black sneakers is right beside it. Someone is here with me. I be steady to attack whoever it is to dare to even jump in here and surprise me.

I keep my body stable,but I feel someone is touching my skin from the back. I couldn't see who was swimming under beneath so I quickly turn around and it's Alison. What is she doing here?

Before I could even ask she collides her lips against mine and push to the wall that was near us. She keeps getting closer to me and we're tight to each other. She keeps pushing me to the wall and touching me everywhere.I can't breathe.

"Wait,wait,wait.Alison." She keeps kissing me hard and biting my lower lip.She finally pull away gently and went to my ear,i can't feel that she's cold. Icy hot breath. "Don't you want me?" She whispers,i just stare at her.Her hand goes across my neck and puts her legs at my waists,sitting on me.I just stare at her eyes,blue ocean just like the water.Like Prince.

I nod slowly,as my mouth move."Yes." It's like she's hypnotising me. She smiles and i can feel that she is. She wraps my neck with her arms and lean back to me.Pressing her soft lips and tasting the flavour.She comes in the jaw and gets it deeper as i let her.our tongue keeps twisting each others,i taste her saliva. I couldn't breathe,so i pull my face away.

"Hold on,hold on.I can't breathe."I say trying to catching my breath.She pushes my face back to look into her eyes using her fingers pressing my cheeks,forcing me."You can only have this for the last.You're never gonna get it after this. Maybe."

She whispers it into my ear,what does she mean? "So enjoy it while you still can."She adds,and start to peck my neck.Giving me bites,making me think she's in power.She is.She has the power she needs to control me.

I can't do anything but let her do me.

She gets in my pants and touch the special spot,the most sensitive one.I groan and she keeps doing it.My pants were pulled down a little,and she comes in.My eyes are wide open,my mouth open as well."Alison..." I whispered,she just smirks to me.

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