Chapter 37: A little better with friends around

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Honestly,I miss Alison. I miss her face. Even though she just visited me a day ago and I made her piss off. The feeling of being a maniac just stuck in my head. I didn't know what got into me. These feelings...anger,sorrow and else. The come and go. I don't have much believe in it,I don't even know why it's happening to me. Once I'm mad,I feel better then. Once I'm sad,I feel just fine then.
"Emily! Emily!" I turn around and it's Cece,running to me chaotically. "What? What? I'm washing clothes,Cece." I panic too because how she called my name it's like something exciting happened. Her face exactly telling with glee that something did happened."You got a visit."
"Ugh,don't tell me it's someone that wants to press on me again." She holds my wrist to stop me putting the dirty clothes inside the washing machine,and I turn to her. "It's your lawyer."
"Man,I'm kind of jealous you get to see different people everyday."
"It gets boring. Why?"
"That's so not boring. What's boring is that you had to see the same person day after day. I'm glad they're not here that often anymore."
"Really? Who are they?"
"My family. Accept for Ali of course she's not boring. She brings the fun though."
"Yeah. She does."
"Oh crap I almost forgot you gotta go now the guard will be here soon pissing you off soon so you better move." I nod and let her take over my job.


"Hi. Emily."
I didn't say anything,I only stare at him. He looks kinda innocent,why would he deal with someone like me? "I'm Liam. "
"My lawyer." I add and he nods.
"You seem to used to this place." I shrug and made a straight line on my lips,and he smiles softly."What is it?"
"We found some bits of proof that you didn't kill Noel,but kept Jenna alive. Why didn't you tell us that you didn't kill him?"
"So what if I did? Nothing will change."
"Oh it will. If you tell me what really happened,we'll get you out of here."
I move to the front shocked,and he smiles."You can?" He nods slowly and I blink leaning back to the chair. The chains makes noises whenever I move. It's irritating but Liam getting me out of jail would be paradise. It's not that bad in here,but it's just too awful to stay. And to leave.
"So how bout we make a deal? You tell me the truth,we'll figure out if it's true,discuss it in the court,and see if angels exist."
"What happens if I got out?"
"Jenna Marshall will be kept in here." Liam is smooth while talking,it's like he's not knowing what's he's saying but he knows what he's doing. I could trust him.
"Alright. These are the clues,solutions whatever we had taken. Take a look." Liam slides over to me some few photos,of a gun,Noel's dead body,gun hole on the wall and everything else. It's already there but they couldn't prove it. Maybe it's because they didn't know Jenna was messing with me and Ali in the first place. That's the foremost solution.
"If i tell you,I just need you to do something." He nods and smile sweetly." Don't judge." He sits still getting ready to hear a story. I sigh still staring at him.
"It all happened like this..."

"How'd it go? "
"I told him the truth."
But I didn't tell him about this whole MatchMaker thing. I didn't even tell Cece about it too. Liam really didn't judge me,I guess he's a good guy. I hope they got the proof already. At first,all I wanted was to let Ali stay out of prison,but the only way to do that was to get myself in jail. Now that Liam is my help,I can finally prove to the world that Jenna is the criminal. "So?"
"Hm. He said he would get me out,if he could prove to them that i didn't do anything wrong but someone else did."
"Holy crap does that mean Jenna would be a suspect too?"
"Yeah. Nothing exciting about her."
"Yeah,but who knows maybe she would be proved that she's a fucking murderer."
"I know."
"Aren't you excited?"
"For what?"
"You get to go out,that means know."
I roll my eyes as I smile blushing to her and she smirks to me. I punch her arm and took over my duty back. She moves aside and cross her arms,leaning on the machine."I don't get it. Why aren't you happy?"
"Of course I am."
"Not you." Cece was looking at me,I thought. But when I turn around it was Brit and Paige. Brit looks some kind of innocent but Paige is the opposite. She doesn't feel guilty for anything at all.
I stood still only looking at them,they finally meet my eyes. I don't feel any burn feelings like rage,I just didn't expect they would be there. How long had they been there? Did they heard?
"What a surprise. I'll leave you guys alone. B-bye." Cece left us alone and I glare to her but she smirks gleefully.
Once she left,everyone did. "Alright girls,get back to your cells if you don't wanna get punched." The guard was demanding everyone to get the hell out but when she stares to us,my eyes disconnected from Brit and Paige.
"I've to go." I quickly run away from the awkward moment we had,they didn't stop me. I wonder what they were willing to talk about to me.
I strangely don't feel a thing,it's weird to feel exactly blank. Literally it's so blurry to feel what I'm in now. Actually,I don't even know what I want to feel.

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