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ship: taehyung x jeongguk
group: bts
warnings: long distance au!

taehyung was laying down on his bed looking at his phone waiting for a reply from his lover "what's taking him so long, he's not cheating on me right?" taehyungs eyes started to tear up at the thought of jeongguk seeing someone else and leaving him.

taehyung's thoughts were pushed aside when he got a incoming call from the devil himself 'kooooooookie<3' was seen across the phone

"hi jeongguk!"

"hi taehyung, how are you doing!"  jeongguk smiled sweetly at taehyung through the screen "I'm good, although I miss you a lot ." taehyung pouted and puffed out his cheeks.

"don't pout you make me just wanna kiss you more!" taehyungs face quickly turned into a soft pink at the thought of his boyfriend leaving kisses all over him. "then fly over here and do it!"

jeongguk's facial expressions soon changed "you know I would if I could petal." taehyung soon felt bad and looked down messing with the necklace jeongguk mailed to him when they had their first anniversary, he felt close to jeongguk whenever he wore it so he never took it off. "i can't wait for that day to come"

jeongguk looked at his phone reading the time "hey cutie i got to go i have work in a hour, i'll call you when i can love you!" the said male sent a wink towards taehyung looking directly into the camera as he did.

"okay gguk love you more and have fun at work!" taehyung threw a heart as the call ended too fast for his liking.

it took four months but jeongguk has finally done it! He saved all his paychecks he got from his two jobs so he can get a plane ticket and see the love of his life, he was on his way to seoul and he couldn't wait.

taehyung was sad on the other hand, he hasn't heard from his lover all day, he thought the younger had finally given up on him and left without saying anything. "taehyung could you do me a favor and pick up your aunt at the airport? she's coming back from her trip today." taehyung looked at his mother confused he thought his aunt already came back from her trip but he didn't question it and went up stairs to get ready.

of course taehyung's mom was in on jeongguk's surprise visit, he called her the night before asking her if she could cover for him which she obviously agreed too. "alright mom i'm leaving now i'll be back soon."

taehyung got in the car and drove himself to the airport, he was still upset with jeongguk for not messaging him, but didn't want to ruin his aunts arrival. He took out his phone and texted his aunt. 'hey i'm here at the front gate.'

as taehyung was waiting at the gate he felt someone hug him from the behind, he turned around ready to smack whoever it was. But before he could he saw those bunny eyes that made him stop in his tracks. "is that really you gguk?"

the taller smiled "of course it's me love, i've missed you" realization hit taehyung as he remembered he wasn't dreaming and that this was real. the real jeongguk was in front of him and the said male started crying he was finally in the arms of his boyfriend after 3 years. "it's okay taehyung im not going anywhere, i'm staying here for good." that just made taehyung cry even more he could finally be with his boyfriend forever and this time it was in person not behind some screen.

"i love y-you so much gguk- i thought we would n-never get to see eachother." the taller shook his head "i would always find a way back to you taehyung, you are my home."

"and you are mine jeon jeongguk."

i hope you all are being safe and eating lots, please take care of yourselves you all mean a lot to me.

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