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ship: jeno x renjun x jaemin
group: nct
extras: fluff!

renjun sighed for the millionth time that night already wanting to go home to his cat and sleep. "i'll just go rearrange the flowers...again" the said boy went to the flowers that where on the self near the window. He was working late at his mothers flower shop and his mom left him the responsibility to close the shop up on his own. "what if i just close early, mom wouldn't know and no one seems like their coming in-" renjun was cut off by the tiny bell jingle, indicating someone just walked through the door.

"hello, can i help you-" the chinese males annoyed face soon turned into a soft blush seeing who just walked through the door. Two beautiful looking boys that literally looked like they could be art pieces at a museum. "um yes, were looking for the best flowers you have. It's for a special someone." the slightly taller boy with the blonde hair and the the other male with silver smiled at each other as if they were a newly wedded couple.

renjun sighed feeling his blush die down as he figured the two boys were dating by the way they looked at one another. "well in my opinion the larkspurs are our prettiest flowers" renjun pointed at a bouquet of perfectly put together violet flowers. "you're right they are beautiful! we will take those please!" the three boys walked up to the cashier and checked out. "that will be $17.27 would you like to write a note along with it?"

"yes please! can we write what goes on the card?" the two boys faces lit up. "of course" the two boys paid for the flowers and took the pen and the paper that was provided. "here you go..." the two boys on the other side of the counter pushed back the flowers giving it back to renjun.

"is something wrong with them?"
renjun looked carefully at the flowers making sure that they were perfect. "nothings wrong with them, but the person we are trying to give it to isn't taking them!" the smaller male pouted and pointed at the card. renjun gasped as he read what was on the card

'jaemin- xxx-xxx-xxx
jeno- xxx-xxx-xxx
we would like if you let us take you on date, tomorrow at 7pm :)?'

a dark blush soon was seen all over renjuns face, he was unable to control it as he just got asked on a date by two beautiful men. "look at how cute he is when he's blushing jeno~" renjun covered his face as he let out a soft 'stop' as he was being teased. "im sorry we didn't introduce ourselves, im jeno and this is jaemin. We've seen you a couple of times in here, and we recently decided we would like to take you on a date and get to know you better." renjun uncovered his face as he saw bright smiles from both jeno and jaemin.

"of course i'd go on a date with you both!" they all waved goodbye and the other two males left. Renjun looked at the flowers and the note that was attached to the side of one of them. "maybe closing the shop isn't as bad as i thought.."

this is an older one, but i really like this one. i hope you all are doing well !

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