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The girl were in the living room standing around awkwardly looking at the boys then at eachother.

Tyla: sooo....

Ray: sooo... Let's idk

Roc: we can play would u rather or spin the bottle or truth or dare or(gco)

Tiney: Roc Sweetie we get it.

💄Dani Pov💄

Look at Tiney "trying" to get at Roc pathetic.Mm just so she knows she will not and I repeat NOT have him. I get wat I want.

Dani: I decide on hide and seek freaky version.

Tyla:😄😄 how do u make that freaky?

Chantell: idek

Dani: well the girls will hide first then the boys will try and find us . We'll have all the lights out and watever boy finds a girl the girl has to sleep in their room and the boys get to pick wat they wanna do once the door closes.

Destiny: hmmm sounds good to me.

Dani: ok count to ... 30

Boys: alright

👟Ray pov 👟

First victim: Tyla

The boys turned all the lights out and the girls went their separate ways trying not to be found. Dani was hiding outside under a lawnchair , Destiny was hiding inside a bathroom cabinet, Tiney was hiding in the garage, Chantell was hiding with Tyla in Destiny car. The boys walked quietly trying to find the girls .

💪Roc Pov 💪

Where would a girl hide? Closet!

Roc: (whispering) check the closet

They creeped up the stairs and searched almost every closet.

Ray: nope . How bout bathroom.

Prod: yea I think one of them go in the bathroom.

Once again on a hunt for the girls the opened the door and turned on the light.

💃Meah pov💃

Lawd plz don't find me . Well it depends on who finds me.

Ray: shhhhh

Prince: 😂😂😂

Roc: 😒 bruh

Prince: u know it's funny

Prod: unprofessional

Ray: shhh ( spit flying)

Prod: enough with the water works RAY

Ray: my bad but I just heard sum.

The boys were standing still like they were frozen.


💃Meah pov💃


Ray: (points to bottom cabinet)

Meah pulls her knees to her chest. Ray counts to three on his fingers and he opened the cabinet to find Meah sitting there.

Ray: 1 down 3 to go.

Meah climbed out the cabinet and dusted herself off

Meah: so who's room am I in

Ray: well ig since I found u mine 😁

💃Meah pov 💃

Why couldn't prince open the door. Ugh well ray ain't too bad.

Ray directed Meah to the living room and had her sit there on the couch in the DARK doing nun.

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