Dumb Shh...

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Every one was in a situation. Cheating was happening all over again and suspicion is rising over who's baby Chantell is really having.

9 months later.....

"1,2,3 Push"


"I see the head"

The doctor holds the new born baby.

{{Name: Chrisilia Richele August

Sex: Female

Weight: 5 1/2 lbs

Date of Birth: June 18,2014

Place: 3485 East Valley High Blvd.

Parents: Dani Carroll & Chresanto August }}

A pretty light skin baby girl with hazel green eyes and natural reddish brown hair was born.

Roc: she looks like u

Dani: she kinda look like u

Roc: stop lyin

Dani: ik😁

*Everyone Comes In*

Tyla: aww look at my lil niece .

Dani: yea wanna hold her

Tyla: yes gimme her

Dani gently handed Tyla Chrisilia .

Tyla: hey baby . Wats her name?

Dani: Chrisilia

Tyla: hi Chrisilia

Ray: I wanna hold her

Tyla:😑 mmm here

Tyla passed Chrisilia to Ray

*Knock Knock*

Tiney gets up and answers the door .

Tiney: ye (stops)

Tiney just stares at Chantell and widens the door for her to get thru.

Chantell: I see u had the baby

Dani: yea pretty obvious.

Chantell: just wanted to say congrats and just wanted to know if I could hold her.

Dani: (mumbles ) hell nah

Roc: (Whispers to Dani) don't be like that

Dani: of course go protect ur "baby momma".

Roc: idk yet

Dani gets Chrisilia from Ray and starts rocking her.

Dani: wat

Chantell: nvm ig that's a no

Dani : ig so

Roc: come on D

Tiney: well wouldn't u be the one to say that

Prod wraps his arms around Tineys waist and whispers something in her ear.

Tyla: mmm

Chantell started screaming which woke the baby up.

Dani: wats wrong wit u (trying to rock her baby back to sleep)

Chantell: my water broke (out of breath)

Prince: uh well sumbody get a doctor.

Ray: Doctor ! Hey u ! YOU! I know u hear me.

Nurse: excuse me sir lower ur voice.

Tiney: look she's in labor or watever is goin on all i know is get her pregnant self u a room RIGHT NOW.

Nurse: (rolls eyes) mmm Doctor Howard come quick

Tiney: oh who she got an attitude with

Prod: ok Tiney breathe.

Tiney: I am breathing . I'm alive aren't i . Come on prod make sense


They rushed Chantell into Room 128 .

Chantell: OWWW

They sat Chantell on the hospital bed and checked her blood pressure . They undressed Chantell into a gown and the doctor tried to see if she dilated.

30min later.....

{{Name : Asia Shane ???

Sex: Female

Weight: 6 lbs

Date of Birth: June 18, 2014

Place: 3485 East Valley High Blvd.

Parents: Chantell Hunter & ?????}}

Chantell smiled at her Carmel colored baby girl in her arms. Light curly brown hair was on top of her head. Almond shaped , light brown eyes and the chubbiest cheeks you've ever seen.

Everyone except Dani surprisingly came to see her.

Prince: so wen can we know who her daddy is?

Tyla: dang ready or nah

Chantell: we can do it right now if u want

Roc: yup that's wat we want

Prince: yea ik ur happy

Roc: I just wanna know

Prince: (mumbles) yea I know while fvckin my girl.

Chantell pressed the red button and the nurse came down to the room but soon left after they had ordered the doctor for a DNA test. The doctor grabbed the baby in his arms and promised he's return. The doctor took the baby's foot prints and handprints and then took a cotton swab stick and stuck it in the baby's mouth and collected spit . The doctor had the nurse return the baby while he tried to solve the mystery to who's baby Chantell had. Tests were run and the results were printed . The doctors Crocs squeaked on the ground as he approached Chantells door.

Doctor Howard: well ms Chantell we ran tests and it seems that the father of Asia Shane ... Wats her last name

Chantell: depends on who the daddy is

Doctor Howard : ok well (opens file folder)

💯🏀Tyla Pov💯🏀

Moment of truth

👟Ray Pov👟

I see this do to lookin at Tyla

💀Prince Pov💀

Plz be my daughter plz be my daughter.

💪Roc Pov💪

It's not my daughter it's not my daughter

🎤Tiney Pov🎤

I know I'm not the only one who knows that the baby looks like .....

🚶Prod Pov🚶

That is definately ..... Baby

✨Chantell Pov✨

Omg my lil girl looks just like .....

Doctor Howard: In the case of Asia Shane no last name yet. The father is .........

Tiney: 😨



Human NatureOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora