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(yoongi's pov)
We where having a meeting about everything that has gone on in the last day Jin said that we should stop stalking jimin and taehyung since Jin Is THE oldest we decided to listen to him and come up with a new idea to get what we wanted from jimin's father Jin said he would go make dinner so he left and we all decided that we would kidnap jimin and taehyung and not tell Jin till it happened or else he would tell us not to do it 

(Jin's pov)
I went to the kitchen to make dinner well they kept brainstorming I knew that as soon as I left the room they would come up with an idea that I would tell them not to do but I let them anyways because they would probably do it without me knowing I finished making dinner I called them all to the table and they were all acting weird but I didn't say anything and just kept eating

(Hobi's pov)
Jin didn't say anything during dinner like he usually does but then again none of us were starting a conversation so we all sat and ate in silence until we heard Jin start laughing

(Jin's pov)
The silence was for some reason really funny and I couldn't help but laugh and when I did everyone looked at me with a confused face (🤔)
I told them to keep eating and not to worry about it so that's what they did we finished dinner and went to the living room and watched a movie then we all went to our rooms and "slept" in reality we all were just laying there thinking of how bad this could go and how quickly it could turn side ways

(Jk's pov)
I was laying in my bed staring at the ceiling I couldn't sleep because I was thinking of what we where about to do to these kids yes they are older then me but they seemed so carefree and innocent and like they didn't know what their father's were doing now that I think about it what if they really don't know about their fathers 'business' and they are running it behind their sons backs or they could know and just be acting like they have no idea why they can go into any store and get anything they want for free but they do pay so maybe they really don't know (time skip jk is done have an internal battle with himself)

(Yoongi's pov) I didn't go to my room instead I went to my office to find out the best time to kidnap jimin and taehyung and how long to hold them hostage until I let them go back to their fathers at a price obviously I decided that we would either get them at the mall or the hole in the wall ice cream shop they like to go and that we would do it tomorrow I then went to my room and went to sleep feeling good about the plan

(A/n pov)
Yoongi was the only one to sleep that night the others were just laying in bed thinking of how awful this could go if jimin and taehyung can fight or if his father actually gave them bodyguards
Anything could happen in the moment of them trying to get them or it could go really smoothly and they'll be back to their fathers within 2 days

End of the  bts gang pov lol 😂

------------------------------(jimin's pov)
Me and taehyung decided we would go to sleep early tonight so we went to my room and set everything up to go to sleep we watched a movie because it was like 8:30 after the movie ended it was 9:00 so we went to bed (time skip) it's the next morning me and taehyung woke up at 6:15 AM (aye that's when I get up to go to the barn)and went to the gym after the gym we went back to my house and showered after that we went to my dad's work and talked to him then we went home knowing that we were being followed

(Taehyung's pov)
Our fathers said that we were being followed they told us to stay inside or with our new bodyguards if we go outside we didn't want to have to be with bodyguards so we decided to just stay inside for today we had a movie day we ordered pizza we made our bodyguards try it first then we ate it and continued watching the movie this time we watched a horror movie jimin was jumping ever two seconds and so was one of the bodyguards which was really funny to watch because he should not get scared by this type of thing but he did we stayed inside all day which was honestly amazing but I did see a really cute guy walk by outside (you should know who it is) but I couldn't go out and talk to him or the bodyguards would come with and that's just weird so I snuck out with out anyone noticing expect jimin because I told him to cover for me


Sorry guys I'm leaving you in a cliff hanger I'll try and post again but I'm working on two hours of sleep

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