sundaddy pt 2

96 8 34

jimin's pov

it was my turn to ask someone truth or dare so i turned to hobi  and asked him 

jimin- hobi truth or dare 

hobi- dare

jimin- okay i dare you to kiss jungkook then taehyung 

hobi- are you trying to kill me but fine 

so hobi went to jungkook and kissed him then to taehyung and kissed him aswell then sat back down 

  no one's   pov                                     

now it was hobi's turn he asked yoongi

hobi-yoongi-ah truth or dare 

yoongi- first off its yoongi hyung to you and second off dare

hobi- i dare you to make out with jimin for 3 minutes 

yoongi- b-b-but h-h-hobi 

hobi-oooooo looks like our min yoongi has a crush 

yoongi- yah hobi-ah shut up

hobi- fine then do the dare yoongi hyung 

yoongi then went over to and started the dare he sat down and pulled jimin into his lap and started making out with jimin soon the three minutes where up but jimin and yoongi kept making out 

jin-oooooo yoongi looks like you do like jimin

hobi- damn yoongi 

namjoon- damn jin can we do this sometime 

jk- tae our ship is sailing 

tae- i know jk  our ship is sailing 

jimin and yoongi finally broke the kiss and yoongi looked down to see jimin blushing in his lap he smirked and pecked jimin's forehead and took him out of his lap and went back to where he was sitting before 

yoongi- namjoon-ssi truth or dare

namjoon-oo can you dare me to make out with  jin because i haven't done anything with him recently

yoongi-thats not how this works namjoon but sure just go do your own dare 

namjoon- yay come here jin 

jin walked over to namjoon and they stared making out but they didn't go over the timer like yoongi and jimin did then namjoon turned to hobi and asked him 

namjoon- hobi truth or dare 

hobi- ummmm truth 

namjoon-ok when was the first time you did it 

hobi- my first year in highschool

hobi- jin truth or dare 

jin- truth 

hobi - ooooo namjoon what do you want to know about jin 

namjoon- nothing because i know everthing i need to know 

hobi- ok then jin who was your first kiss 

jin- namjoon 


jin- tae truth or dare 


jin- how old where you when your father made you stare training 

tae- 12 

jin- jeez thats young

tae- jimin truth or truth 

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