friday and saturday

108 8 2

Yoongi's pov 

I walked in after meeting with maddie our gangs secret agent to be meet with Jin running up to me saying Jimin isn't feeling well and he had to go to the store to get some stuff for him to feel better he said that i would have to watch over him till he got back because i was the only one he trusted to watch him and not ruin anything so i went to where we have Jimin staying and i asked him how he was feeling he started coughing and then i heard laughing from the doorway i look at the doorway to see jk and tae at the door when i looked at them they ran away before i could ask them anything i was going to run after them but i remembered Jimin and i was to lazy to run after them so i just layed down next to jimin and kept an eye on him well he slept after about an hour just scrolling through my phone Jimin woke up and Jin got home at the exact same time that jimin woke up but as soon as he did he started coughing Jin came in the room and gave him some tea he whispered something to Jimin and Jimin nodded Jin said i could go and that he would watch him now so he left 

jimin's pov 

jin asked me if i wanted to take a break from acting sick i nodded not wanting to say anything because i was losing my voice from fake coughing he told Yoongi to leave so he did when he walked out Jin asked me how my throat was and i said it  was sore from coughing he said he got me tea to help my throat i asked him if he could get tae and jk for me he said sure and went to get them and my tea a few minutes later he came back with jk,tae and my tea i slapped both tae and jk in the back of the head they asked why i hit them and i said 1. my throat hurts because of your stupid plan 2. you almost got caught by yoongi you fucking pabo's and 3. i heard some things i never wanted to hear nor will be able to unhear and that they wouldn't want me to tell Jin about

jungkook's pov

my eyes went  wide and i asked jimin what he wanted to not tell Jin he said i had to get him a cake on his birthday and that was it because he has not had a birthday cake on his birthday before jin aww'ed at his request me and tae agreed right away Jin whispered something to Jimin and he said "of course" and then he went  back to talking me and tae about the plan and how he didn't know how long he could keep it up for before he lost his voice but he'll keep it up for as long as he can jin came back because he forgot jimin's tea so he had to go back an make it Jimin drank the tea then he said he had to go bathroom so he went to the bathroom hobi came in while jimin was in the bathroom and asked how the plan  was going me,jin and tae all said good at the same time then jimin came back in from the bathroom jimin coughed as soon as he entered the room because of his throat being sore hobi said that if he didn't know about the plan he would think jimin was really sick and not just acting hobi said jimin was really good at acting and jimn said thank you i've picked it up over the years of acting like i have a loving father

jin's pov

i told hobi, tae and jk that we should go to bed and that we would check om him tomorrow and that i would go get yoongi to come kept an eye on him so i went and got yoongi to stay with jimin i went out to find him laying on the sofa watching youtube i told him to go stay with Jimin so he did we went our seperate ways to our rooms 

yoongi's pov 

i went in to the room jimin is staying in i got into the bed but not under the covers i waited till i thought jimin was asleep then i went to sleep it was around 3:00 am when i felt arms and legs wrap around me i look to my left to see jimin cuddling into me he looked really cute while he was asleep so i hugged him back and he smiled in his sleep 

jimin's pov

it was about 3 in the morning when i decided i would wrap myself around yoongi to see what he would do he woke up an after a few seconds he hugged me back so i just stayed like that and let sleep wash over me next thing i know it 9:00 am much later then i wanted to wake up but seeing as i went to bed late jin had come in to see me and yoongi cuddling he aww'ed which woke us both up and next thing we know hobi,jin,tae,jk and namjoon are all standing in the doorway staring at us i quickly pull away from yoongi and end up falling off the bed and onto the ground from jolting away from yoongi everybody runs over to me to make sure i'm okay i said i was fine but then i pushed past everyone and ran out of the front door i don't know why i did it but i did i heard everyone yelling for me but i just kept running soon i reached some woods but i didn't care i just kept running  and running untill i collapsed a few seconds later everyone got there and that's when i passed out i woke up back at yoongi's house and i just stared crying and i don't even know why i started crying i just did as soon as Jin heard me he came running into the room he came and hugged me and asked me what was wrong and that's when i knew why i was crying i remembered it was my father's birthday and if he found me he would beat me for not getting him something so that's what i told Jin he said it would be okay and that my dad would not find me and even if he did that they would protect me from him 

jin's pov

I heard Jimin crying so i ran to the room and comforted him he said why he ran out of the house and why he was crying right now he said that it was his dad's birthday and that if he found him he would most likely beat him if he saw him again i said he wouldn't and that if he did we would protect him from his father and he just cried harder soon yoongi came in and took over for me i stood there for a minute watching yoongi comfort jimin and make sure he was alright 

okay guys i'm ending this here because i have over 1k words and i need to go to sleep i hope you liked this chapter and this is my update for sunday because i forgot i have a lot going on today so please forgive me for any mistakes or if you think this is moving to slow

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