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I'm just going to say this now there may be smut I don't know yet tho ok enjoy

(no one's pov)
Taekook says hi bitches and let's get on with this taekook scene

(Tae's pov)
I woke up to see jungkook walking in my room he asked me if I remembered him I said no and he said good and that he liked me I said I liked him too and that I did when I first saw him he said that wasn't completely true but it didn't matter anymore at this point I was so confused

(Jk's pov)
I asked tae if he remembered me and he said no which I was really glad about because that means he doesn't remember our past together (omg what have I done I just read means as moans)so we could start a new relationship together and forget the past and everything that happened to us

(No one's pov)
Jungkook was 9 and taehyung was 10 they meet through the maifa because jungkook's dad owed jimin and taehyung's dad money he didn't have the money so they took jungkook instead jungkook escaped with the help of taehyung and jimin that's when yoongi and Jin found him they took jungkook in and he told them about what happened they said they would protect him from mr.park and mr.kim
When they got to their house jungkook met hoseok and namjoon and he's been with them since and he finally saved taehyung and jimin like he promised to them he would go and check on them by that he means jimin remembered him and let them get kidnapped jimin would meet up with jungkook ever Saturday and tell him how tae was doing jimin told him that their fathers beat them after they found out they helped jungkook out but that jimin didn't care what his father thought he said that they would have to stop meeting up because his dad was getting suspicious about it jimin never talked to taehyung about jungkook because jungkook asked him not to before jimin and taehyung being "kidnapped" jungkook texted jimin and told him to let taehyung sneak out and then when taehyung told him to go out to meet him to go because he was about to break them out of that hell hole with a little help from some friends so that's what jimin did (end of flashback)

Start of new flashback
(Jk's pov)
After I suggested kidnapping then I went and text jimin and told him that I had a plan to get him out of there I told him to follow everything I told him to do tommorow and in reality jimin sent taehyung out he told them that there was a cute boy who kept walking by so he covers for taehyung and then texted jungkook to say he was on his way out after that he said he sent taehyung in to get him so jimin fallow taehyung out and then jimin acted like he didn't know jungkook and like they where complete strangers when in reality they've known each other for 10 years and than jungkook gave a signal to his friends and they grabbed taehyung with some struggl and jimin had to put up a fight and act like he didn't know what was going on he had to follow tae's plan to beat jungkook and taehyung also told him to act sassy when someone talked to them and that he would act completely horrified when it was all his plan so that's what jimin did and then he fake cried with taehyung to make him seem scared and to throw off everyone but jungkook who know that they where tears of joy and not from being scared to death

(Taekook pov)
We decided to cuddle because if someone where to come home they wouldn't be loud it would be silent they would walk in the house and jungkook would just be cuddling with taehyung they would probably be a little suspicious of that but it would be fine because jungkook and jimin planned to tell everyone tonight that they knew each other and that jungkook only suggested to kidnap them to help jimin and taehyung like they did for him when he was 9 for the rest of the time till the others got there jungkook and taehyung where talking about how cute yoongi and jimin would look together and how they should play Cupid to jimin and yoongi they both agreed to it and said they would start there Cupid acts tomorrow morning


I'm going to leave this here but I'll pick it back up in the next chapter there's a little back story on jungkook and his past with taehyung and jimin I want to thank you all you guys have really helped me I was really depressed before this and you guys have helped me alot ok that's all I wanted to say bye chicks 🐥

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