Something I need to say

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So I just read this chapter on a story, shout-out to halfbloodboi for bringing this to light a whole lot better than I can do. So they wrote an A/N about how people need to research mental health problems if they are going to write about if they don't have them. (I'm sorry if that wasn't your main point. That's what I got from it the most...😓) I agree with this. Now if any of you have read my stories or a chapter that have do with a mental illness, I don't mean to offend anyone. I'm sorry if I offend you or if you are going through that and I'm totally off. I do try and I like to give a warning that way people know what they getting into. Again, I'm sorry. I will be doing more research on these mental illnesses if I write a chapter dealing with one. I just feel like I'm hurting someone and reading what they write really made me think. Also this is a BIG thing. IF YOU NEED TO TALK, CONTACT ME. I WILL LISTEN OR DO WHATEVER I NEED TO. I MAY KNOW YOU IN REAL LIFE BUT THAT DOESNT MEAN THAT I DONT CARE. PLEASE TALK TO ME. IM HERE TP LISTEN AND TO HELP. IM NOT A THERAPIST OR ANYTHING ALONG THOSE LINES. IM JUST A GIRL WHO ALMOST LOST A FRIEND TO SUICIDE AND WANT NO ONE TO GO THROUGH WHAT HER FAMILY ALMOST WENT THROUGH. SOMEONE CARES ABOUT YOU. IF NO ONE DOES THEN I DO. PLEASE TALK TO ME IF YOU NEED TO. I DONT CARE WHAT TIME IT IS. I WILL RESPOND AS SOON AS I SEE IT. I PROMISE. PLEASE STAY ALIVE. That's all I needed to say.

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