Episode 6

661 19 2

Hello my beloved readers <3

I will start using Views as Update schedules from now on. That means I will upload a new episode based on the Views Mistletoe! 

Keep in mind I'm not a professional writer, I'm just someone who like to write a story :>

Next Chapter: 120 Views!

Instead of Jiren, Captain Toppo is waiting for me. He stood before my bedroom's door while holding a bag.

"Captain Toppo! It's so good to see you." I bow my head.

He pats my head again. "Same goes with me. Here, I brought you something. I was returning home but then this reminds me of you." He offered me a bag.

I checked it from close and noticed that this is a medical backpack! There's bottle holders and places to put bandages and sort. I hug the white backpack and thanked him many times! My old medical backpack is huge, really huge. Sometimes it's restricting me from running.

"This looks wonderful too. I will start wearing it on my first mission."

He flicked his fingers, remembering something. "About that, you don't have to worry. I assigned to to a special mission! Well it's in one month so you have all month to prepare yourself."

"Oh but I haven't formed any team just yet."

"I already assigned you to a very special team. It's a surpsise. Now just practice your magic and fighting with Jiren, I can see you are improving, [Y/N]."

"Ah.... Well I am curious..."

"And, what's with the books?" He pointed at the novels I'm carrying.

I showed the covers to him. "These are for Jiren. He's been helping me, so I thought I will give him some of my favorite books."

"That's great. I can't join the training today, I'm here to check on you. But I promise tomorrow will do."

I happily nod. "Please don't rush yourself, dear Captain. I'm very patient."

Captain Toppo only stares at me with that weird look. "Alright. You take care as well. To be honest I never feel this comfortable talking to someone."

A smile appeared on my face. I brushed my bangs off my face to frame my face. "Captain, you praise me too much."


"Are these... For me?"

Now that Jiren is holding the books, they look much smaller. In my hands the books are big enough to destroy a window, but in his hands, it looks like a pocket dictionary. Our height is 90cm different after all. He's much taller than I am. And his hands are really big too.

"Yep. These are my favorite novels, but if you don't like them, you can give it back to me. After all most of them are romance novels."

I play with my fingers, waiting for his reaction. He looked at me and put the pile of books on the chair. "I will return it in a month. Is that okay?"

"AAAH! It's a gift! You don't have to return it to me!" I feel so excited! He liked my gift!

"Well I suppose I can read them in my free time." Jiren takes off his shirt like usual. "Let's train again. This time I will teach you how to handle five percent of my power."

I put down my bag and takes off my shoes. "I am ready."

"Here we go."

He charged at me with his usual glowing fist. I put on a defensive pose and raise my Ki to the fullest so I can take the hits without causing too many damages on my body. His movements are fast, but I know he can go faster than this. He's going easy on me after all.

'Now, he looks, somewhat handsome when he's directly staring-'

"Focus [Y/N]!" He caught me off guard.

I fixed my pose, and this time I will try to hit him. "S-Sorry!"

"What were you thinking?"

"I just think you look cute when fighting."

Me and my big, sugar coat mouth. But I wasn't lying.


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