3. Reunited with old friends

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"Here is the picture of the Lords" Caspian said and looked at seven paintings on the wall, "These are the Seven Lords of Telmar" he said and Edmund and Lucy looked at the pictures "The only thing we know, is that one of them have a son and he gave his sword to that son" Caspian said, "Have you found the son?" Lucy asked but Caspian shook his head "No, the son fled with his father, together with the other Lords to the Lone Island and no one has seen or heard from them since" Caspian said. "So you think something has happen to them?" Lucy asked "Well, if it has. It is my duty to find out" Caspian answered "What lies east of the Lone Island? Uncharted waters" Edmund asked looking at Caspian "Thing that you can barely imagine. Tales of sea serpents and worse" The captain of the ship answered looking at the Pevensies with a weird look. "Sea serpents?"

"Alright captain, enough of your tall tales" Caspian laughed and closed the map.

Suddenly the door opened and a man came in "Your highness, we have found a ship" he said, Caspian, Edmund and Lucy walked out before they walked over to the edge of the ship and Caspian looked in a binoculars, "It looked like a ship who have been attack" Caspian said and looked at the ship's flag "I have not seen that flag before, it is certainly not a Narnia flag" Caspian said and handed the binoculars to Edmund, he looked through it and looked at the flag "This is a dragon hunter flag" he said, Lucy and Caspian looked confused on him, he looked at them "Clara told me once" he said, "Well, if it is a Dragon hunter flag, we should leave it be" Caspian said. They sailed past the burned and broken ship, they saw that all the hunters on the ship were dead.

Time skip...

"LAND IN SIGHT" yelled the man who was started on the look out on the ship, Caspian, Lucy and Edmund looked at the land "Shall we go in land?" the captain asked "We will check it out" Caspian said.

Edmund, Lucy and Caspian walked out the of ship and walked farther into the island.

But suddenly they were surrounded by a handful soldiers, Edmund, Caspian and Lucy was ready with their weapon "Drop them" a deep voice said and they saw a big black wolf with blood red eyes and with a scar over his right eye, came in front of the soldiers and looked at Edmund and the others "OR it will be the last thing you will do" the wolf said.

Caspian walked in front of Lucy and Edmund "I am king..." he said by was cut off by the wolf "King, here you are not a king of ours, and you are a Telmarines, and no Telmarines are welcome here" the wolf said "The Telmarines are not your enemies anymore" Edmund said, "And we are not here for trouble" Lucy said and the wolf looked at her "That was they all say, before they are going to kill us all, but now it will be you who dies" said the wolf and looked at a man with a bow and arrow up in a tree, he nodded, but before the man could send the arrow off someone yelled stop and a boy came flying before landing in front of Edmund and the others and looked at the wolf "Riley, what are you doing? This is not how we treat our guest" the boy said.

When the word 'Riley' was heard, Lucy got surprise, was this Riley, one of Clara's good friends, that wolf that fought with them against the Telmarines, he have grown, a lot, he was as tall as a horse. "They said that they are not here for trouble, so let's see what they want" the boy said and Riley looked at him "That also what the last people said, before they almost..." Riley said, but the boy cut him off "Yeah I know what they almost did, I was there too... Listen let me take care of them" the boy said, "And if they turned out to be the enemies" Riley said "Then I will take the blame and next time, strangers come here, you can do it your way, alright?" the boy asked and Riley looked at him "Fine" he said and walked away, the army followed him.

The boy turned around and took off his hood, his hair were short and white as the beautiful snow and his eyes were blue like the ocean "Sorry about that, Riley don't really trust strangers, and especially not Telmarines, not since he lost his little brother in a battle, because of a Telmarine boy that they trust, did something stupid and because of that he lost his brother and therefore he don't trust Telmarines" the boy said. Lucy, Edmund and Caspian looked at the boy "Anyway, I am Simon, come with me and meet the one in charge" the boy said.

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