7. Is my father

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Clara and the others stopped on the next island before everyone was separated on the boats as they were going to another Island while Toothless was flying around them.

"Maybe, my father and his friends was here" Simon said, "I doubt the Lord stopped here, there is no sign of anything living" Reep said looking at Edmund and the others from the other boat. "Right. Well, once you have got on shore, take your men for food and water" Caspian told Drinian, who nodded. "The five of us will looked for clues" he continued, but only to be stopped by Eustace "You mean the six of us?" The five royals turned around and looked at him "Come on, please don't send me back to the rat" Eustace whined "I hear that" Reepicheep yelled from the other boat, Clara and Lucy giggled, and Eustace rolled his eyes. "Big ears" he hissed "I heard that too" Reepicheep said again.

"Simon, Toothless and I will fly around and search the Island, maybe we will find something from the air" Clara said, when they were finally on the Island, Edmund, Lucy and Caspian looked at them "Are you sure, that is a good idea, we don't know what is here" Caspian said. Clara rolled her eyes before she got up on Toothless' back and took off, Simon followed her.

Time skip...

Toothless , Edmund, Lucy , Clara, Simon and Caspian came back and saw that the men got some food "What foods did you find?" Caspian asked "It is volcanic, My majesty. Nothing grows" Caspian sighed, knowing it's useless.

"Where is Eustace?" Edmund asked "I believe he's out not helping us loading the boats" Reep said, Lucy sighed and turned around "EUSTACE" she yelled, but no one answered "I have a bad feeling" Simon said, "I'm going to find him" Edmund said, but stopped when Caspian and Simon said "We will come with you" Edmund nodded, and they went search after Eustace.


"EUSTACE" Edmund yelled, hoping for him to answer. 

But then they spotted saw some treasures laying down a small hill "Treasure. Trouble" Caspian said as they went down, and Edmund bent down when he saw Eustace's shoe "Eustace. No" he said, "I'm sorry" Simon said, looking at all the clothes that were in Edmund's hands, the clothes was smoking and broken. "He was just a boy. I shouldn't have left him" Edmund sighed "What could have happened to him?" he asked "In this place? Anything" Simon answered "Look, he wasn't the first" Caspian said and pointed on a skeleton, Simon looked at the skeleton, he walked over to it, and bent down next to it "Is Lord Octesian. Is my father" Simon said with a sad tone, "How do you know?" Caspian asked, Simon looked at the medallion around the skeleton's neck, "My father has a medallion like this, it is him, I know" Simon said, and a tear felled from his eyes. "I am sorry Simon" Caspian said, "He promised me that he would return, and since he haven't, I had a feeling that he didn't make it" Simon said.

Time skip...

A big flame came out of nowhere causing everyone on the ship to freak out "What was that? Is it a volcano" Lucy asked looking at Clara "Oh no, that's not a volcano" Clara said, "I will check it out" she said and got up on Toothless' back before they took off. 

Drinian turned to his men "All hands on deck. Archers arm yourself! Take your positions and wait for my command" he said and soon a mysterious dragon came flying towards them and they tried to fire it. 

"What is it doing?" Lucy asked as the dragon hold on to the mast, "Fire!" Drinian yelled and everyone started to fire "He will break the mast. Hold your positions. Fire!" Drinian yelled again, but the dragon was holding tightly, Reep came up to the dragon quickly with his sword and crashed it onto his hand, the dragon let go with one of his paw, but then Toothless came flying and attack the dragon, he push it away, the dragon try to defense itself, but by accident he push Clara off Toothless, she landed down on the ship and the dragon flew away.

Toothless looked at Clara as he landed next to her before he help her up and Clara looked at him "I am okay, Bud" she said.


The dragon started to fly back to where Edmund, Simon and Caspian were. Edmund was walking in front of Caspian and Simon.

Simon and Caspian turned around and saw the dragon, they bent down, and the dragon fly over them "Edmund" Caspian warned him, but the dragon grabbed Edmund and fly away with him. 

It was holding Ed's shoulder with it's front claws, "Edmund, no" Simon said before jumped up in the air and flew after the dragon.

"Edmund!" Lucy screamed as she saw the dragon holding her brother "Lucy" Edmund yelled back. "Edmund" Clara said and got up on Toothless' back before they took off and fly after the dragon.

Simon, Clara and Toothless try to get the dragon to drop Edmund, without hurting it, but the dragon keep pushing them away. 

Edmund looked down on the ground "What in the world" he said with a surprised voice. "STOP" he yelled causing Simon and Clara to stop before looking looked down at the ground to see there was writing 'I AM EUSTACE' 

"You've got to be joking" Edmund said and looked at the dragon.

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