14:04 pm

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  • Dedicated to kalian semua :*

14:04 pm

10 hours before his death

"...and that's why me and bryan are still not talking today." gadis itu memanyunkan bibirnya dan meniup poninya ke atas, menandakan bahwa dia sedang kesal, terutama pada pacarnya—bryan. mata abu-abunya yang biasanya berbinar seperti batu granit yang terkena sinar matahari, kali ini binarnya meredup.

ashton, yang mengikuti langkah gadis itu disampingnya, tidak menjawab apa-apa, hanya menepuk pundak gadis itu sebagai bentuk tanda 'support'. oops, atau mungkin tidak sama sekali.

"he's so stubborn, ashton. i can't stand him," kata gadis itu lagi sambil menghentak-hentakkan kakinya kesal ke lantai.

can't you see that i'm the one who understand you

"and he didn't even listen to me whenever i tried to speak!" lanjutnya sambil bersungut-sungut.

been here all along so why can't you see

"if only he's as mature as you, we'll always be okay and will never fight like this," gadis itu menggerutu lagi, kali ini meninju pelan deretan loker yang terpapar disampingnya.

you belong with me, oh

you belong with me.

ashton baru berkedip ketika gadis itu selesai bicara. ingin sekali rasanya dia menyingkirkan rambut-rambut yang menempel di wajah gadis itu sambil berkata bahwa semuanya akan baik-baik saja, tapi ashton malah memutuskan untuk menjadi cowok yang payah.

"ali, i'm sorry i have to head to the class. we'll talk about that bastard later in my apartment with michael, yeah?" kata ashton sambil tersenyum lembut pada gadis bernama alisha itu.

"wow you're such a bestfriend."

"i'm sorry, sunshine," ashton tertawa. "i'll see you later, okay?"

"what if i'll never see you later again? you're always busy with your basket thing. i don't think you'll have time for me and michael after this," cerocos gadis itu dengan nada kekanak-kanakan.

"oooh, papa will make sure to have a free time with you, kids," kata ashton sambil memasang wajah sedih, namun beberapa detik kemudian dia nyengir.

"good. now go to your class, green eyes," alisha mendorong bahu ashton pelan sebelum terkikik.

"green eyes?"

"you have green eyes, right?" alisha tersenyum menggoda. "well, i'll see you later."

ashton hanya terkekeh lalu melambai pada gadis itu yang sekarang sudah berbalik membelakanginya. tepat saat alisha pergi, seorang cowok berambut cokelat terang datang; michael. ashton menatap michael sambil tersenyum dan bersandar pada dinding loker sambil memegang dadanya, mengikuti gaya seseorang yang sedang terkena asma.

"she has a boyfriend, stupid," ujar michael sambil tersenyum geli melihat kekonyolan ashton.

"she called me green eyes," kata ashton sambil memejamkan matanya penuh mendramatisir.

"to make you feel better, she told me once she liked your eyes," kata michael lalu nyengir lagi. "the real question is why are you fangirling over your bestfriend?"

"michael, today is the day i'm gonna die. and alisha will be the death of me," ujar ashton masih terus bersandar pada loker dan memegangi dadanya, mengacuhkan ucapan michael tadi. "i cannot breath."

"right, right, captain. now let's talk about this girl in my chemistry class," ujar michael sambil menarik ashton untuk ikut melangkah bersamanya menuju kelas PE.

"oooh, someone's in love," kata ashton sambil nyengir.

"yeaaah, too bad she likes you," kata michael lalu memasang wajah sebal. "what's with every girl drooling over ashton irwin just because he plays basketball? michael clifford do it better with a guitar."

"i play guitar but she's into basketball player," goda ashton lalu tertawa, hanya untuk membuat michael semakin jengkel.

"no, seriously. she's really pretty and shy. guess what? she lives in the same apartment as you!" kata michael dengan suara yang lebih pelan agar tidak ada yang mendengar. gadis itu bisa saja sedang di koridor yang sama dengan mereka berdua dan mendengar ucapan michael.

"who's her name? gonna visit her really soon and make a move," canda ashton sambil menatap michael dengan tatapan menggoda.

"oh, fuck off. i think her name is andrea, i don't know. and she kept asking me questions about you, it's sickening me. does she not realise that i'm more attractive than you?"

"cool then. what were guys talking about? i mean, about me." ashton nyengir sambil melepas bandananya yang ia ikat di tangan, dan melingkarkannya di atas dahinya.

"your stupidness and how gay you are."

"that's very cool, gordon!" ashton berseru sarkastik, diikuti michael yang tertawa idiot.

ashton dan michael terus mengobrol sepanjang koridor yang terasa tak ada ujungnya ini. kelas PE berada di area paling ujung karena berdekatan dengan ruang ganti serta lapangan sekolah, sehingga butuh waktu untuk sampai ke kelas itu.

obrolan kedua sahabat itu berhenti ketika hp ashton berbunyi peringatan baterai lemah.

"shit, my battery is on 10%," ujar ashton sambil menatap layar hpnya. "do you bring a powerbank, mikey?"

"no. i don't bring the charger either," kata michael. "maybe alisha?"

"she's already in the class," kata ashton sambil mengantongkan kembali hp-nya.

"i told you to charge your phone before you go anywhere," gerutu michael sambil meninju lengan ashton pelan. "now i'm just gonna watch you suffer without a phone."

"mikey," ashton merengek sambil memanyunkan bibir bawahnya.

"and right when you need your phone the most, it'll die because the battery is drained and you're so dead."


wow michael you're such an oracle

well this is the end. thank you for reading this, though, lmaoooo. i might end up posting another story (its a michael one or a calum one idk) you just have to wait yay.

terimakasih :-)

Sept, 11st 2014.

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