Chapter 2

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"We're home~", I say, particularly to no one since all the tenants are just back. Shrugging off my sandal and simply unlatch the clips, I wiggle my legs and let them drop to the floor, not bother to arrange them properly. Sabo, who is behind me shakes his head, before bending down to collect them and attempt to put them align with the rest of the shoes, but before he can do that, Luffy runs into the house, shouting he is back as well and even worse, tossing his slippers just like that causing them to scatter around randomly. Ace follows afterward, leaving his shoes around as well without bothering to do them.

A tick forms on Sabo's head, as he shouts, scolding us to at least arrange our own shoes before going in.

I make my way to the kitchen, putting my bags; one contains my laptop, and another contains my training gear on the dining table, I head to the refrigerator to get some soda drink. I remain sullen throughout the process, making the air around feels moody and dead.

Sabo then make his appearance, leaning against the wall of the kitchen's entrance, sighing before voicing out whatever he has in his mind right now.

"Are you okey?"


"You think?" I brought the soda can to my mouth, absentmindedly answering him.

"Not in your best because of him?"

"Will there be any other reason?" gulping down the drink, and leaning against the table, I use one of my palms to press against it and support my weight. Soon after, Ace comes in, joining his same-age brother, both giving a sympathy look to me.

"Tsk." I turn around.

"Cut that look. I hate it! It makes me feel weak!" but my voice doesn't sound convincing enough to them, as it cracks. Sighing, I throw the can into a dustbin, that specially for recycle items, after finishing the content.

I grab my bags from the table, attempt to go to my room and take a shower, after an evening of intense taekwondo training that comes up with an additional heart-breaking view, that I was forced-and-accidentally watch. Heading straight to the stairs, I climb to the upper level and turn left to where my room is. Closing the door, I start preparing my tub before fully immerse my body into the water, enjoying the warmth as it relaxes my sore muscles.

Five minutes later, someone knocks the door, alerting me on his presence.

"(Y/n), can I come in?" it's Sabo.

"I'm having a bath," I say.

"I know.... But let's have a talk while you're at it."

"Fine...." I reply, knowing he will still continue bugging me if I disagree.

Sabo turns the knob, and he walks inside with something in his hands. I smirk watching them to be a bottle of wine with two empty glasses. Sabo sure knows how to make me talk while at the same time, enjoying my bath.

Sabo pulls out a hidden stool and puts it near to the tub, sitting on it while I lean closer to the tub near him. I take one of the glasses, shoving it, waiting for him to pour the drink. But before he can do that, Luffy suddenly barges in, with a ringing phone in his hand.

"Luffy, don't make it as a habit to simply barge in when I'm -"

"Oi (y/n), you left your phone downstairs, and Zoro is calling." he shouts, ignoring my protest. I grumble, promising that one day I'll knock him hard in his forehead to teach him lesson of knocking before entering.

Grabbing the phone from him, I turn to a loud speaker, putting it next to the tub while shoving my glass again to Sabo, asking it to be filled. Luffy left the bathroom soon after.

No Doubts for You, Law ~ [Trafalgar Law x Reader: Modern AU]Where stories live. Discover now