Chapter 10

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His head felt so heavy. As if he just got blasted by lead.

He tried to shook off the feelings, but failed miserably.

He then took a peek with a single eye, before back to closing it as a sudden headache struck him badly.

"Urggghhh my head... Feels like it's splitting... " Penguin complained. He brought a palm to his forehead,  lightly messaging it.

Penguin lay still on the bed for another 10 minutes, before he finally woke up and leaved the room. Groggily pulling steps, he opened the door to the room and exited,  and headed straight to where light noise could be hear from. Which is the living room.

There,  he found a turned on television with no one watching it.

The headache struck again and Penguin cringed as he supported himself against the ash-grey wall.

"Yo, Penguin. It's about time you awake," Shachi greeted. He is currently in the kitchen, looking through the fridge for whatever he could savor.

Penguin didn't reply the greet. Just a low growl came out from his lips.

"Hold up man. I'll help you." Shachi knew his friend couldn't think straight at the moment. So he came closer to help him to one of the available sofa and switched off the television.

Shachi then went back to the kitchen before appeared again with two tablets and a glass of water. He shoved the tablets to Penguin and the latter just swallowed it without questioning.

"Urghhh... What happened last night? How do I end up here?"

"Well uhhh... We found you -" a ringing doorbell interrupted Shachi and Penguin cringed louder at the annoying sound.

"Make it stop!" He growled.

Shachi stood up and headed to the door immediately, opened it and let the visitor to come in. Penguin heard few footsteps entering the house. Followed after was light rustled of paper bags as the persons dropped their item on the bar with small chitchats of familiar voices.

"Penguin, we got our lunch now. You want to eat first?"

"I am not hungry...." But his stomach said the otherwise as it growled in different tunes.

"Come on... (Y/n)-chan made us something. You can't say no to it." Shachi still persuading.


Then a small head popped out behind the separating wall. "Hey Penguin-san. I brought food for you two. Would you like to eat together?" As she beamed a light smile.

Penguin just blinked at that.


"So to cut short, we had your wallet after saved you yesterday. And (y/n) helped to call Trafalgar to inform him about it. But Trafalgar said you and Shachi will be at his apartment and since (y/n) knew where he lived, we drove her with your lunch." Zoro helped to explain. At his side, (Y/n) is busy stuffing food to her face, along with Shachi.

None of the two really paid attention to the other two as both have been starving.

Shachi has been starving because Law's apartment literally has no food, since he already emptied them all as he knew he will be away for this whole week to medical meet up at other country. And as for (y/n),  she is starving because...well she always starving 24 hours...

"Also, you might want to freeze your account. I'm not sure how much the bitches had took your money, " Zoro added.

"If it's me, I will buy new TV. I mean, as a doctor, I bet you are paid hefty. A new set of TV with an X-box... Damn I would love to have them," (y/n) suddenly talked. She is now leaning against her chair, with an arm dropped over Zoro's chair while the other hand held a glass of drink.

No Doubts for You, Law ~ [Trafalgar Law x Reader: Modern AU]Where stories live. Discover now