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A/N this isn't the bonus chapter!! it'll be at the end of the story.


That damn Cedric Diggory. Does he think he's better than everyone or something? He lacks a lack of pride and sounds awfully boastful, using Harry as his prize that he can show off to people...

They look so in love...and I wanted to make Harry feel like that. I shouldn't have been so mean...I never wanted to be...I didn't actually mean it..

Everyone's so happy for them, I don't get it, shouldn't they be in trouble for PDA?

~Back to the Triwizard Tournament~


Inside I was rooting for Harry, but I didn't wanna show it. I was hoping he'd win....well..he did, sort of. But my dreams were crushed when they were kissing each other...The way he was holding Cedric and how Cedric was holding Harry just made me wanna made me Angry.

I didn't understand how their cheers turned into signs of adore. It was disgusting for me. And I noticed one person that felt the same way...Cho Chang.

She looked heartbroken almost, like she wanted to kill Cedric but most importantly take Harry away from him. As I feel the same..

He doesn't deserve someone as good as Harry, he could take anyone else but instead he chose My Harry.

A couple days later they started showing affection to one another. Even when they played quidditch against each other they played like they wanted the other person to win, which made the games last forever.

Oliver Wood wasn't so happy about this, and instead warned Harry that he'd replace him with another seeker if he keeps up the "Lovey dovey" stuff.

But besides that, Harry is a very independent person. And Cedric doesn't understand that. He constantly wants to be around Harry and sometimes gets angry at him for not being around him a majority of the time.

I'm sure Harry said something about it that made Cedric change his mind and stop complaining.

I just wish they'd leave each other already..


Lately i've been feeling much happier than I used to feel...well..because of Cedric. He makes me feel important. And tries to help me with my moods.

He's always there when I need help, since i've been struggling with my emotions. His cuddles are the best, and how he runs his fingers through my hair. He's the sweetest.

The Yule Ball is coming's just i've never seen a boy dance with another boy...and i feel..different..and ashamed almost. But it didn't matter...because i loved cedric, and anyone who thinks otherwise can fuck off.

I just didn't know how to dance..

Hermione and Ron look kinda skeptical about Cedric. But i never let him intervene with my time for my best friends. We always hangout per usual.

"Harry, you DO realize that you can't show affection to Diggory during school hours...correct?" Hermione questioned, "The only Professor that would freak is Snape, he'd probably take one thousand points off of Gryffindor and Hufflepuff if you ask me" Ron added, I agreed.

"It's not like he's bothering you or anything, I share my time equally with you guys..unless you want the trio to become a quadruple." Harry added, Hermione shook her head 'no' furiously as Ron just shrugged, "I wouldn't mind, it would boost up our reputatio-" Harry nudged him, pushing him almost, "It wouldn't, it doesn't matter" "Yanno i Dislike Diggory, he seems very prideful...too prideful. He's not a know it fact he's very quiet, maybe he's hiding something-" "You guy's are thinking too hard this is nonsense, please stop it" Harry insisted. "You wouldn't like it if i bashed and pointed out everything i hate about the person you love...."

Hermione thought then apologized. "I'm sorry Harry.." "It's whatever Hermione" Then he split ways with them.

At the end of all of their classes, Harry went back to his dorm. He hadn't spoken to Cedric all day and the boy was getting worried. So instead, he was able to quickly run into the gryffindor side of the dorms, knowing the password because Harry's used it a couple times. He remembered which room and quickly knocked on the door. Hedwig started flapping and hooting wanting to know, so she pecked harry, trying to get him awake "Ouch Hedwig!" he whispered, then got up and unlocked the door, Harry was covered in blankets and looked like he was crying, as he used some of it to cover his face, when he noticed it was Cedric.

The 7th year immediately hugged him and closed the door behind him, "What's wrong, my little wizard?" He kissed his forehead, "Nothing..i'm fine" he sniffled, "You're obviously not fine if you're crying, here" he sat him down on the bed and followed with him. "I'm here...what's the matter?" he hugged him gently, "I'm sad.........this is your last year here and i won't get to see you...-" Cedric interrupted, then thought "I know..but please don't cry..we'll still be together and..I'll write to you everyday..even better..I can let you stay at my house for all of those breaks that we can even stay for the summer" He suggested, harry felt a little better, "And i'll send pictures so you can have them until you come back, and when you graduate i'll still be there.." He smiled, "....Okay" Harry smiled and laid his head on Cedric's shoulder.

"I love you" He sniffled, "I love you more,Potter"

Eventually they were tired enough. Harry laid his head on Cedric's chest for comfort, as his head moved slightly up and down, as his breaths rose and fell again...

don't go..,                [Incomplete, Hedric] ☹Where stories live. Discover now