~Chapter 2~

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Tori's POV

Me and Beth sketched out some cartoon's which was really fun because no-one could tell what my sketches are about because I didn't put as much detail as I usually do. If I did you would clearly see it was me and Isaac but hey, that's the beauty of being an artist! I can draw about something with only me knowing who the characters are! HA!! Well...unless you ask me who the characters are....."Hey!" Isaac said coming in. "Hewo!" I said as he sat next to me. "Who dos peoplez?" He asked. "He just had to ask that" I thought. "Beth and Ross Lynch!" I lied making him laugh and Beth look at me. 'Just go with it!' I mouthed and she nodded.

"Okay then!" He laughed. "Don't diss the Lynch!" I said then continued to draw making him laugh again.

"I WANNA WRITE IN BUBBLE LETTERS!!" He exclaimed making us laugh. "Here!" I said handing him the sketch pad and a pencil. He took it and wrote something in bubble letters then turned to the next page and wrote something else before I could see what he wrote. "Why didn't he let me see what he wrote?" I thought.

Isaac's POV (Yay new POV)

I wrote Victoria in bubble letters then turned the page so Tori wouldn't see. I like her but I don't know how or when to say it. Don't ask how I know her whole name, but let's just say I'm SERIOUS fanboy! I don't know if anyone noticed but I act...not myself around Tori! Or my brain is telling me that but I am really acting like myself....I don't know! I'm so confused! And Talia invited me to their Beginning of Summer Party tonight! God! And my birthday is coming up soon! I wonder when Tori's Birthday is! "So Tori when is your Birthday?" Beth asked. Wow that was convenient! "November!" She replied.

Wow same month as me!

"What day?" I asked. "22nd why?" She asked and Beth looked at me and laughed. "What?" She asked. "That's Isaac's Birthday too!" Beth laughed and I felt my cheeks get hot. "How old you turning?" She asked me. "17, you?" I asked and she laughed. "Same isn't" I asked and she nodded. I laughed then went back to doing bubble letters. I just wrote my name in bubble letters. It looks really cool! Then it was just....quiet! Well until Tori started humming Rude. I laughed at that. Then she changed it to a different song. I don't recognize that song though!

Tori's POV

The song "Gold" by Victoria Justice played in my head and I hummed to it. Soon I just mumbled but sang the words to it, Isaac noticed but I still sang it ignoring the fact he heard every word. Jeez does he have to though? Then Jade came in and sang with me! Ugh!

"I’ve been trying to let it go

But these butterflies I can’t ignore

Cause every time that I look at you

Know we’re in a catch 22

We’ve been friends for so long but I

Need to tell you what’s on my mind

I’m sick and tired of playing games

‘Cause I know that you feel the same

I Know you inside out, so I’m asking now

Take a chance on me

How much clearer can I be?

Hey, boy, what you gonna do

If you want me like I want you, then man up and make your move

I’m gold, gold

You, me, good as can be, want to be more than your company

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