~Chapter 3~

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~Time Skip to 3 months and 21 day's later~

Tori's POV

I had one of those magical dreams where you think something is a dream but it isn't but then you wake up! GAWD DANG IT RIGHT WHEN ISAAC KISHED MEH!! I looked at the time to see it was 6:30 am....or something else! I can't tell because my eyes aren't adjusting! "Black Widow!" Jordan popped up and I shot my head towards him. (They had a sleepover! :P) "I don't wanna know!" I said then turned on my side making him laugh. I then fell back asleep....


I woke up well more like screamed waking everyone else wake up. I breathed hard and layed back down. "Thank.gawd.that.was.a.dream!" I said practically scared for life. "What was it about? And did you really have to scream? Gawd just shut up for once!" Talia said and I threw a pillow at her face. Then we started fighting and Isaac had to hold me back while Jade held Talia back because we charged at each other. We were still yelling at each other from across the room though. "GAWD TALIA CAN'T YOU JUST BE A GOOD SISTER FOR ONCE?!?" I yelled. "CAN'T YOU BE A GOOD SISTER?!?" She yelled back. Isaac and Jordan literally had to carry me out of the room! Once they put me down I made a run for the door but Isaac held me back and locked me in the bathroom.

"HEY LEMMY OUT!!" I yelled pounding on the door. "Not until you calm down!" He said and I sat on the floor. Gawd how is he so calm all the time? "Talia should be locked in here not me!" I mumbled while crossing my arms. I looked around the bathroom, gawd we have one boring bathroom!

Isaac's POV

I leaned back on the bathroom door looking around the room. Gawd why does Talia have to start this every other week? Then all of a sudden I hear Tori scream. "Lemmy! Out!!" She yelled and I quickly opened the door and she out of nowhere hugged me like she saw a ghost! "Okay what happened?" I asked. "Spider's!" She said hugging me tighter. Oh yeah she has a HUGE fear of spiders! I forgot about that! "Come on it can't be that bad!" Jords laughed. "Um might wanna rethink that!" I said as the spider climbed up the wall, a tranchula! No wonder why Tori is freaking out! "Woah god!" Jordan exclaimed and Tori held me even tighter. God this girl really doesn't like spiders!

"Hey Tori sorry fo-AHH SPIDER!!" Talia yelled then jumped on Jords back. "Okay lets get you girls outta this room!" I laughed while picking up Tori and both me and Jords went out of the room. "Why are they?" Jade asked. "Spider!" I said and she nodded. "Your not gonna let go of him are you?" Jade asked Tori. "Nope I'm too scared!" She said making me laugh.

"And I'm okay with that!" I laughed then went to the living room and sat on the couch. "He won't hurt you!" Jordan said holding the spider and coming towards us. Tori screamed and held me even tighter. God this girl is strong when she is scared! "Jords she'll squeeze me to death if you don't put that outside!" I said making him laugh. "No really, this girls got a grip!" I laughed and he came closer. She burried her face in my chest practically crying! "JORDAN JUST PUT IT OUTSIDE!!" I yelled and he went outside. I hugged Tori and let her cry. God if I were her I would be scared to death! I kissed the top of her head to calm her down. "INSTAGRAM!!" Cierra yelled then ran away. Gawd I'm gonna kill her!

"I DON'T CARE!! CUZ IMA BIRD!!" Tori yelled at her making me laugh. "Yup a very strong one too!" I laughed and she loosened her grip. "Thank you! I can breath!" I sighed making her giggle. "I'm still not letting go!" She said making me facepalm.

"Isaac...." I heard Jordan say then come up to us with his hands behind his back. "What?" I asked unsure. "Snake!" He said pulling out a snake making me scream and hid behind Tori. "Aw it's cute!" Tori said. "No it wants to bite me!" I said. "He's scared of snakes isn't he?" Tori laughed. "Yup!" Jords laughed. "Why did you bring it in here?" I whined. "To scare you!" He laughed. "Meanie!!" I yelled then he came closer making me scream again. "Jordan put it back outside!" Tori laughed and he did. "You okay?" She asked turning to me. "Nuh uh!" I shook my head. "Awe poor baby!" She said then kissed my cheek and hugged me. Okay I feel better now! Actually I'm gonna not tell her right now, because I'm enjoying this!

Bethany's POV (Yay new POV!!)

I spied on Isaac and Tori. And when Jordan came out with the snake I almost screamed myself! Those things are scary! Then after a minute or two Tori told Jords to leave so he did and Isaac was scared to death! "You okay?" Tori asked him. "Nuh uh!" He shook his head. "Awe poor baby!" She said then kissed his cheek and hugged him. Isaac hugged her back still shaking. Awe cute! Jeez first the spider and now a snake? God my worst nightmare! Then after a while they both fell asleep. Awwwe cuties! Then I walked back but Talia had handcuffs and was running towards them. I was about to stop her but Jade held me back. Okay can't let that happen! "ISAAC TORI WAKE UP!!" I yelled and they did but were already handcuffed to each other.

"TALIA!!" They both yelled then chased Talia. "Wait..." Isaac said backing up to Jade making Tori stumble. "Jade, give me the key!" Tori said. "Gotta catch me first!" She said then ran downstairs.

"JADE WEST!!" Tori yelled then her and Isaac chased Jade for the key. Then Cierra came and pushed them in the closet and locked it. "HEY LET US OUT!!" Isaac whined. "No can do little bro!" Cierra said then went downstairs. I ran to the door and tried to open it. "Tori you know what's happening right?" I asked. "YUP NOW LEMMY OUT GINGER!!" She yelled. "I'm trying!" I said pulling on the door. "Okay Beth back up! I'm getting mad!" She said and I stepped back. "GERONIMO!!" I heard her yell then the door got kicked down. "Woah!" Isaac said. "Don't get me mad!" She warned then they ran downstairs and heard Jords yell "ISAAC CATCH!!" Then they ran up and unlocked the handcuffs.

"Okay now, TALIA JESSICA MORGAN!!" Tori yelled then ran downstairs. "Uh oh!" Isaac said then ran after her. Oh god! Then I heard Tally and Tori yell at each other. I walked down and that's when I saw Isaac pull Tori in the her room and lock the door. "Um I don't wanna know!" Me and Tally said at once then went upstairs.

Tori's POV

We both layed on the bed. "Why am I-" He cut me off by smashing his soft lips into mine. Meh face was all like→ O.O Okay I was NOT expecting that at all! But wow this boy can kiss! He pulled away blushing. "S-Sorry I-" I cut him off by kissing him again. Now his face was all like→ 0////0 (Trying to see Isaac's face if he ever read this! LAWL!!) I pulled away and he was all like→ 0_0 (XD) "O-Oh!" He said making me laugh. "Suprised?" I laughed and he nodded slowly making me laugh more. "Um does that mean we're um?" He asked. "Yeah, well if you want to..." I said resting my forehead on his with one hand on his chest.

I felt his heart go faster and faster. I don't think he could take it anymore because before I even had time to blink he kissed me. Woah baby! Gawd this boy can kiss!

He pulled away for air. "I've been wanting to do that for so long!" He said making me giggle. "Yeah I know!" I laughed and his eyes widened. "How?" He asked and I got up, grabbed my sketch pad, and showed him my name in bubble letters and hearts around it with Isaac's signature at the bottom. "Uhhhhh...." He said making me facepalm. "3 MONTHS!!" I laughed making him blush. I rolled my eyes playfully then layed down next to him and rested my head on his chest. "Are we gonna tell the rest about us?" I asked and he looked down to me. "Have you met Talia, Jords, Jade, and Cierra?" He asked making me laugh. "Good point!" I said then wrapped my arms around him. Then we watched Sherlock and Doctor Who for the rest of the day! And when we went to bed Isaac, in the middle of the night, wrapps his arms around my waist and kisses my neck. My face was all like→ O.O

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