~Chapter 8~

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Victoria's POV

I had my iPod on and ear plugs in my ears. The song Shake it Off by Taylor Swift was on and I hummed along. I don't like singing infront of people unless it's for my channel. Wait this is a perfect song!! I paused my music, grabbed my camera and closed the door after Talia came in. Then I pointed at myself and hit record. "Hey fellow Zombie's! I know I'm not in meh room where I usually record and it's because Ima on a Road Trip with the Frye's and a couple other friends. So for all my wonderful subscriber's sense you keep on spamming me with comments, me and T-Morgan are gonna sing Shake it Off by Taylor Swift! Ready Tally?" "Ready!" She laughed.

--After they are done singing because Ima lazy--

"Welp, that's all for today! Make sure to hit the like button, leave a comment, and subcribe! GERONIMO!!" I yelled the last part then stopped the video. I grabbed my computer and edited the video. Then I finally, after 30 minutes, uploaded the video and left a comment saying: HATERS GONNA HATE!! I DON'T CARE, CUZ IMA BIRD! AND I'M WALKING AWAY.... #Isoria ~VMorgan

Then I ran out of the room and jumped on Isaac's back. "Okay is it Grace or Tori?" He asked Will. "Tori!" Will laughed making me laugh too. "Oh then Hewo!" He said looking up and I put my face over his. "Hai!" I laughed then pecked his lips before jumping off him. Then both mine and Talia's phone made a ding noise and we looked at our comments on YouTube.

"I DON'T CARE! IMA BIRD!!" We both yelled then Isaac took my phone and scrolled threw all the hate. "Okay that one hurt!" He said and I peaked over his shoulder to see it.

JasonG: Gawd The Frye's and that Isaac guy along with Victoria should just die already! Same with Talia they are the worst channels ever created!

"WELL HOW RUDE!!" I exclaimed making him laugh. "Wait where is Jords?" I asked looking around. "Um he's been in the bathroom for 10 minutes!" Kyara replied. Then Jords came out and went in the backroom. Then he closed the door. "Umm okay..." I trailed then we all just did our own thing for a while.

Hey fellow zombies sorry for the short chapter but I'll update again laterz I promise! Remember to vote, comment, follow my insta @T_Morgan_Girl and PEACE OUT!!

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