Chapter 4

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Yifan walked to the lunch room after managing to pluck several little children off his body and sighed softly when Luhan shoved him a tray of cupcakes

"He seemed terrified Yifan."

Kyungsoo piped up from the sink where he was washing out muffin trays and mixing bowls. Yifan chuckled as he knelt down and set the cupcakes down on the low rise table onto the individual plates assigned to each kid.

"You saw him run past huh? "

He quipped as he accidentally got some frosting on his thumb.

"Luhan made me watch,"

The wide-eyed boy responded promptly as he closed the tap and dried his hands down the denim of his jeans. Luhan raised an eyebrow in defense and shot back

"Yah Hyung, all I said was that the new part-timer was probably going to die in the playground. No one told you to look. "

Kyungsoo simply scoffed and issued a mere I'm not going to argue with you look before walking off into the storeroom to put back the ingredients. Yifan shifted his gaze over his shoulder to look at an indifferent Luhan who was chewing a bit of a mis-shapened cupcake without frosting (probably because Kyungsoo deemed it 'imperfect') .


Yifan rolled his eyes and stood up, dusting off his pants and placing the tray in the kitchen sink.

"Overtime, today. You and me are staying back to fill in for  Baekhyun with some of the administration stuff."

Luhan gaped before pouting, arms crossing over his chest,

"Yah! Wufan! I promised i'd meet Sehun at Overdose tonight at 9!"

Yifan tilted his head a bit and enquired,


"You know, the bar slash stripclub we brought you to last night?"

Luhan said, exasperated as he took a bite out of the cupcake and peeled off a bit of the wrapper in mild annoyance. Yifan felt  his stomach do a weird flip as the memory clicked.

Lay's slim hips, undulating under the dim lighting against his thigh, arms raised above his head which was thrown to the side.

He cleared his throat before reaching for Luhan's cupcake and plucking it out of his grasp, popping the last bit of it into his mouth with one swift motion.

"We'll finish before that time if you concentrate; Baek deserves a little break too. He has been going at it for weeks and he is just going to spend a little time with Chanyeol tonight."

Yifan explained gently as he pat Luhan's head like a child's, chuckling as the smaller boy groaned dramatically.

"But Ge~~!"

The be-spectacled man contemplated the issue at hand before speaking

"Look...stay with me overtime today, help me finish the documentation earlier and i'll give you a ride to the club. Deal?"

Luhan's expression changed into one Yifan could only describe as the kind of face he gets when he decides that Yifan's life needed to be just a wee bit harder.

"How about If i stay to take me to the club and you have to stay and at least have a drink with me and Sehun? He really misses his 'Krease-ghe'"

Luhan imitated in Sehun's slight lisp and sniggered a bit at his own rather pathethic and exaggerated impersonation of the Korean boy.

Lay's uneven breathing in his ear as he leaned forward and breathed down hot on Yifan's neck, hands pressed lightly on the older teacher's thighs for support

Yifan blinked before nodding his head slightly in defeat. He knew Luhan was not going to let him off so easy. No need to fight a losing battle. And it would be nice to have a bit of help in the office and see Sehun after that.

Going to the club just to have a did not mean he had to see Lay again...

So what the hell was he so worried about?


3 hours after 5 and Both the Teachers had cleared up all  of the documentation for the first semester of  the next year. Yifan let out a soft sigh and stretched his long legs under his desk, hitting his knees against the underside of it. Luhan yawned softly and cat-like, rolling his shoulders as he sank back into his seat.

" long does Baekhyun stay up to finish all this crap..."

Luhan let out a heavy  breath and hit the power button on his laptop after saving the documents. Yifan just Shut off his computer as well and put it in his brief case, combing his fingers through his tussle golden locks.

"I rather not think about it Lu... "

Yifan yawned and stood up to open the office door and held it open for Luhan. The petite boy walked through and flashed him a little smile as he threw his scarf over his shoulder and around his neck. Yifan locked the door and sifted through his bunch of keys for the ones to his motorbike as they walked slowly through the carpark. 

"You know..."

Luhan begin softly, interuppting the shuffling of Yifan's fingers with the Keys as he looked to face the boy.

"You are a real gentleman Ge...i'm actually pretty surprised you don't have a boyfriend by now."

Yifan's lips twitched into a smile as he unlocked his motorcycle from the parking station and dug the key into the ignition.

"Really so?"

Yifan felt the slight dip in the bike as Luhan sat behind him snugly and slipped his arms casually  across the older's hip. The Boy's response came in a sigh as his warm breath ghosted the back of Yifan's neck.

"Well...I mean you're kind, gentle...a good listener too, and fuck, you are good with kids. Not to mention your are on the list for Mr tall, blonde and handsome."

Luhan clucked his tongue as Yifan started up the bike a pulled off the sidewalk with a screech of tires against wet asphalt.

"I don't think Sehun would like hearing that."

Yifan commented blatently and recieved a punch in the arm from the smaller male as a gummy smile graced his countenance. For once in his life he actually questioned his life choices. He was an introvert no doubt about that but he had to admit the nights did get a little lonely at times. Maybe Luhan was right. What if he needed a change to his boring routine of get up survive work and go back to bed? Would Yifan like to wake up next to a warm body next to his? Would he like to have someone curl up next to him on the couch or snuggle up to his chest each night? Another voice in the apartment, another toothbrush in the bathroom and maybe even a different brand of shampoo. Maybe a mug, more laundry and pictures in the house....

Yifan's thoughts flashed to the Part timer in the school and a strange warmth struggled to rise from his belly. Then the bright neon of The club appeared from his vantage point and the small imprint of Lay's dimple set itself into the depths of his mind.



Just a filler chappie~ hope u enjoyed it! more updates coming soon~~~~ <3


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